Poolside Dreaming

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It's kind of weird, if you think about it.

In my minds eye, I keep seeing Katie everywhere. I swear that was her that night when I heard Come On.

Anita had been getting closer to Keith, but I didn't really care. It felt like I was just letting myself waste away.

I sat by the poolside with a bathing suit on and a towel in my hand. The cut on my forehead had healed considerably, but i still wondered if I would ever regain what memory I'd lost. After diving into the cool, clear water, I rested my head on the back of a plastic pool chair.




"Want breakfast?"

I lead her down the hallway and grab her hand.

She smiles uncertainly and squeezes my hand while biting her lip.

When we make it to the restaurant, a pudgy waiter leads us to a table, and I take a drink from a bottle in my hand.

"I can't believe it's actually you Katie!"

I'm so happy, I'm on top of the world; at least that's what it feels like.

We eat slowly, neither of us talking. And after, we make our way back to my room.

Suddenly, she stops.

I stop as well and ask softly; what's wrong?

"I missed you Brian"

Miss you......

Her hands were in mine, her blue eyes were on my green ones.

Then it was her lips to mine. I swear I could hear fireworks bursting and laughter ringing out from the world. I closed my eyes and a tear slid down my cheek.


My eyes opened slowly, focusing in on the light of the sun. I was still a bit wet from my swim, but it felt like I'd slept for a long time. As in, a whole night's sleep.


I got up, yawned, stretched and walked into my room to get changed.

When Mick, Keith and I went out to town to shop, I wasn't very interested. Something was nagging at the back my mind. I rubbed my hand over some lovely psychedelic clothing fabric and looked over at Mick and Keith who were debating on what color their sunglasses lens should be.

I chuckled and looked at some more clothes.

Then the dream I'd had earlier came back to me. I stumbled into a coatrack and got a rude stare from the guy at the counter.

"Are you alright Brian?"

Mick called over,

"I'm fine!" I called back and righted the twisted coat stand.

We ended up buying several pairs of glasses, seeing as Mick liked all the blue shaded lenses and Keith liked all the different colors, we ended up buying up most of what was on the counter.

"So when we going back ta England, Mick?" Keith looked over at his pal and I kicked at a pebble.

"I don't know, how about...end of the week? Next Monday? Cause we got more Rollin' Stones stuff ta do over there" Mick answered and we walked along.

"Hey you guys?" I said



"You wanna go see the musicians I been recording up on the hill?"

Mick and Keith looked at each other and whispered a bit, then they looked back at me;

"Sure, we'll go".

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