chapter 10

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We finally got to the restaurant after half an hour. We got to our reservation table. I watched as Jade looked at the place in awe.

She looked so cute. We sat down and waited for the waiters to give us a menu. They came to our table and handed us a menu. I looked through the menu, deciding what I wanted.

"So what do you want?" I asked Jade.

"How are you affording this cant we just go to like Mcdonalds."

"Its a date Jade, i wont take you to macdonalds for our dates, probably i would but its on me so eat  what ever."

She hesitated before saying " um ill have a barbecue steak"

"Ill have the same" i said smiling at me. I said to the waiter.

"jade can i ask you something"  she said yes

"Where your parents, whenever I come round its always your sister"

"My Parents moved to Brazil last year, my father owns a school there for orphans and owns some company and my mum shes a doctor, they moved last year after we came back from holiday in England."

"Brazil woah thats so far away from California."

"What about your parents" i hesitsted before saying it. Maybe i should tell her.

"My mums in Prison for dealing drugs for 7 years, after her and my dad got divorced she went haywire, started hanging out with college kids and got into drugs, she got caught one day and know shes living locked up" i let out a breath. It felt good letting my past out.

"How long has it been?"

"Remember that day i met you in the park" she nodded her head " well when you asked me why i looked a bitnlost or something it was because of my mum, she left about a week ago from before that day. My dads in england he owns a law firm in London and he provides for  me and Tyler last time is saw him was when it was Tylers Wedding."

"Im so sorry Parker" jade said "i shouldn't have bought that up"

"Its fine it felt good talking to someone about it."

The waiter came with two plates filled with a huge barbecue steak and steames rice and some vegtable stuff. We began to demoliish the plates. It actually tasted amazing. Nothing i expected it to be.

"So have you got your homecoming party dress?" I asked intrested.

"Oh yeah about that what day is EastBridge Prom?"

"Um the 7th june" it was definitely the 7th.

"Oh so yours is first, mines on the 10th and i got 2 dresses, ones black and ones blue."

"Okay so ill be needing a black and blue bow, i need to remember, eh ill just kirdty to pick it out for me"

After we finished out food, i payed for the check and we left. There was a huge fountain outside. There was one of them security guys i called them and tolf them to take a picture. We both stood together, i wrapped ky hand around jade. He took the photo, i thanked him and we left. We looked at the pictures and they looked good. We got into my Camaro and sat down.

"I had alot of fun tonight" Jade said giving me a kiss in the cheek.

"Im glab you did."

I drove back to her house. When we got there, i saw Jade had fallen asleep. I got out the seat and opened her door, taking of her seatbelt i picked her up bridal style. With one hand somehow i ran the door bell. The door opened andit was her sister.

She gave me the way to her room, i remembered from when i came here 2 weeks ago wss it?

I placed her onto the bed. She woke up. Yawning she opened her eyes and looked at me smiling.

"You do not understand how happy you make me" i heard her talk to her self.


Hey guys if your read in the beggining the dresses were diffrent colour that coz i changdd them

Before jade was Ashley Tisdale but i changed it to Andrea Russet. Please leave comments of if i should do'

Jade as ashley tisdale

Or andrea russet




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