chapter 3

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Parker ontop^^

Parkers POV:

I grabbed my skate board and headed of too Jaymis house. All the boy were meeting up and just hang and play video games. The house was only a block away. I got them jumping of my Black authentic skateboard. I held it hunder my arms as i knocked on the door. Hail opened it and we both went down to the basement.

Jaymis parents were loaded he had literaly 2 floors to himself. The basement and the loft. The basement was were he had his video games and a small kitchen and a mini Cinema room. He had a pool before where the kitchen was now but they removed it after he threw a huge party. His parents came home early and found multiple people all naked sleeping while floating on one of the floast things. That party was mad though.

"So Harrison who you going to prom with, you havent asked anyone yet." Dean said popping open a soda can. Everyone called me Harrison, my second name but jade always called me by Parker.

"Im not going" i lied, i didnt want to tell them about going with Jade, theyll have to wait.

"Dude its last year as a senior everyones going even Garner is" Garner was the schools nerd. No one called him a nerd because he wears glasses and shirts, he didnt he was a normal person like us but he spoke tests he has to be separated from everyone because he tends to talk out loud and say the answers so fluently like he was just reading of a paper.

"Im going to be going to England with my dad" i said acting fustrated. I didnt really but i knew theyd fall for it, they knew how strict my dad was.

ive  been living with my older brother Gray for about 3years with his wife, Kirsty. My dad and my mum left to go and start a new company in England. I like it much better here in Cali then England. When i visited England last year for Christmas it was like a freezer. It was so cold. I only have an older brother and i had a half sister. My dads second wife had a child but they got divorced and she now lives in Texas from what ive heard.

"Sad luch bro, you couldnt hooked up with Sienna, have your seen her, damn like her ass" i nodded slowly at my weird friend.

"Her asses fake as fuck she got it done over the holiday apparently she got the money from yoga classes and half her dads."  I have very stalkerish friends

"Have you seen Jennas ass its like a living kim Kardashian."

We spent out time playing COD while talking about girls and whos want to get laid.

"So Harris any girl in mind" Jaymi said smirking. I shaked my head.

"Nah not right now"

The pizza arrived a minuite after. We all digged in. I was so tired thinking about it.

"The other day i saw you pull up in the Redhills parking lot? What were you doing there" i didnt even realise he asked that untill i saw everyone staring at me.

Fuck what do i say.

"I was dropping Gray off for the Conference." I lied, Gray was my older brother he was a part time sports coach in RedHill.

I quickly skated back home. I was the last to leave Jaymis house because i needed to quickly discuss our history assignment. I got home and ran upstairs to my room. I took of my top and trousers and put on a basketball shorts instead. I walked out the room to get to the bathroom.

I coukd hear the noise of moaning and Grays voice. A lot of noise came from his and Kirstys room.

You gotta be serious.

"Fucking serious" i whispered loudly before slamming the door of the bathroom.


Sorry for any mistakes

Remember Harrison and Parker are the same person but he has 2 names

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