chapter 8

26 6 4

JADES POV (yes ik i do alot of jadee POV and not much parker)

Is it too late now to saw sorry

I woke up at 7 and i didnt have to worry about habjng a shower because i had one yesterday. I went to the bathroom and washed my face and brushed my teeth. I got out and quickly got changed. I wore my ripped high waisted jeans and a black crop top jumper. I tied up my white Nikes i got last year when i went to England with my dad.

I walked to school today. Saffron took my car because hers was in the garage. I walked up to my locker. I put in the code and got out my books for today. A red paper fell out. I bent down and picked it up. I opened the aper and there was 4 letters inside

P r o m

I turned around and saw Quinten. He smiled at me showing his teeth. He was in the football team with Adam.

Fuck what am i meant to do.

I gave him an apoligic smile. "Im so sorry quinten" his smile dropped. "I already have a date"

"Oh ok forget i asked you anything, who ever your going with is a lucky guy." He walked away going to his class.

I feel so bad


I went in line to get my food when a sophomore walked up to.

"Um you need to go to room 89 a teacher said" she said.

Why would a teacher need to see me now. I walked to the class room and saw no one.

"In here" a voicesaid from the cupboard.

I walked up to the door and opened it.

Inside was Adam smiling at me. I groaned and shut the door. I was about to go but his hand grabbed me pulling me back.

"I need to ask you something"

I stoos there and waited for him to answer. my eyebrowsn raised, waiting for him to ask the damn question.

He grabbed my hands holding them, i pulled a disgusted looked and mooved them away.

"Will you go to prom with me" he said standing there looking at me.

I burst into laughter. He looked at me like what the fuck.

"Prom with you" i said laughing between each word. I stopped laughing "i have a boyfriend and im going with him." I turned around and walked back to the cafeteria. A smirk played of my lips

You got regected bitch

I didnt get no lunch so on my way to next period i quickly munched on a packet of doritos. I walked into class and sat down.

"Alright class today ill be giving you assignments and your given partners. You have to write an 10 page essay so have page each person."

The whole class groaned. She started telling us our partners.

"Blake and Andre"

"Michael and Ashton"

"Jamal and Seth"

"Bella and Mia"

"Kian and lisa"

"Asha and Harry"

"Callum and hoodwin"

"Jade and Adam."

Bitch what

Are. You. Fucking. Serious

When she said adam. I slammed my head against the desk.

Probably gave myself a concussion there.

The class turned around and looked at me. I awkwardly smiled at them. Adam walked up to me, taking a seat.

He smirked at me while i kept a neautral look.

He just sat there staring at me, i didnt do anything the whole lesson i just was on my phone messaging Parker.

Parker♡: hey bbe whats up, in free period rn

Jade:  ugh  pissed got paired up with ex, gonna ask teacher to swap she cool.

Parker♡: if he does anything to you again i swear i will come to his house and beat him up.

Jade:  haha dont worry i  can always kick him in the area again. (Laughing emoji)

Adam tapped me. I turned my head fast pretty annoyed.

"What is wrong with you" i burst out. Very pissed. I didnt want to talk to him at all but he was being a right dickwad.

"So where do you wanna meet up and work on the project" pfft i aint meeting his no where. He nearlly raped me and he thinks id want to stay alone with him to do a dumass project id rather do it myself.

"Fuck yourself" i said pissed.

"I know you still have feeling for me" HAHA no.

"I dont and i never did" i didnt have feeling for him now i liked Parker maybe love,then i did like Adam but now id rather date a tree.

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