Family Day Part 1: Video Chat with the Villains and Scheming for the Wand

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The Descendants were in Remedial Goodness 101 when the Fairy Godmother needed their attention. "Children, attention please!"

She said, walking down the aisle between desks, "Um, as you know, uh, this Sunday is Family Day here at Auradon Prep. And because your parents can't be here due to, ah, distance, we've arranged for a special treat."

She turned around and walked up to a large flatscreen TV and turned it on, revealing, an image of Maleficent.

"...I don't see anything, nor do I hear." Maleficent said, backing away from the screen and revealing Cruella, Jafar and the Evil Queen next to her.

The Fairy Godmother motioned for them to come over. "Kids!"

"Is it ‐ is..." Maleficent said, shaking the screen a little.

"Press enter." Jafar said.

"May I see the remote?" Maleficent demanded, taking it form Cruella. "Is this thing on? Ugh, it's broken! I hate electronic equip‐" apparently she pressed the right button, because the screen lit up with an image of the five Descendants and the Fairy Godmother.

"Oh!" The Evil Queen said, "Evie, it's mommy! Oh!"

Evie waved back, a little embarrassed.

"Oh, look how beautiful you are!" The Evil Queen continued. "You know what they say: the poisoned apple doesn't fall far from the tree!" She said to Jafar.

"Don't you mean the weeds?" Maleficent said, adjusting her horned headdress.

"Ooh!" Cruella said, "Who's the old bat!"

Mal pushed her way to the front. "This is Fairy Godmother."

"Still doing tricks with eggplants?" Maleficent asked dryly.

The Fairy Godmother seemed insulted and flustered. "I turned a pumpkin into a beautiful carriage!" She exclaimed indignantly.

"You really couldn't give Cinderella till 1 a.m.?" Maleficent continued to insult. "I mean, really. What, the hamsters had to be back on their little wheels?" The villains all laughed.

The Fairy Godmother was even more flustered. "They were mice!" She exclaimed. "They were not ‐ they were mice!" She said to Mal. Mal nodded in understanding. "Yes, yes, Thank you. Can we talk to our parents, please?"

"Oh, yes, yes, do." The Fairy Godmother moved out of the way, standing next to the TV.

"Hi, Mom!" Mal said.

Maleficent gasped, "Mal! I m‐m‐m‐miss‐s you." She stammered, only getting the word "miss" right after a flick on the back of the head by Evil Queen.

"You children are never far from our thoughts!" Jafar promised.

"How long must mommy wait to see you?" Maleficent asked her daughter.

"Um, there's a big coronation coming up," Mal said, "I think probably sometime after...that."

"When?" Maleficent demanded.

"Friday, 10 a.m." Mal replied.

"You sure I can't see you before that?" Maleficent inquired. "I don't know what I'll do if I don't get my hands on that magic wan‐" Evil Queen thumped Maleficent on the back of a horn and she quickly changed tune, "You! .... You little nugget that I love so much!"

Mal laughed softly. "Yes, I completely understand, Mother."

Cruella's face suddenly took up the whole screen. "C‐c‐c‐Carlos!" She said. "Are those dogs?"

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