The thought of the guy who had been like an older brother to me ever since kindergarten changing like that, being tangled up in this crazy world Savanna and I had somehow gotten mixed up in, was almost unbearable. Whenever I thought about how horrible and overwhelming this must all be for him, I get all choked up. Trying to distract myself, I chose to start a conversation on a subject that had been bothering me since I first saw Nick in the forest.

"Why were his eyes red?" I asked Jensen. "Nick's, I mean."

He continued staring blankly out the window, focussing on something I couldn't see. "That's what happens when vampires get thirsty. And when you're first turned, that's when the hunger is the worst. I was born this way, so I wouldn't know."

At my bewildered expression, he explained, "There are two different kinds of vamps: those who were turned by exchanging blood with a vampire, and those who were born one because of their heritage and all that. In my case, I was born a vampire. So I can age until I choose to stop, unlike made-vampires who stop aging when they are turned."

"Oh," I muttered. I had no idea there were types of vampires. But, I guess you learn something new everyday. He nodded and then there was another short silence, which I immediately tore through, not allowing my mind to have time to wander back to Nick.

"So, are we going to school tomorrow?" I asked, purposely changing the subject. I didn't know what our schedule would be now that we were hiding from Aradia's 'contacts' in the middle of nowhere.

He considered the question for a moment, not minding the change of direction I veered this conversation. "Yeah," He answered thoughtfully. "But not once the month is almost over and the time for Aradia to come check on you gets closer. We can't risk her finding you that easily. You can go for a couple more weeks, though."

The note of finality in his tone drenched the plan I had to argue on his decision of us only going a couple more weeks. Call me crazy, but I wanted to go to school, despite the fact everyone there hates Savanna and I for getting the Kenzisia mad at them. It was just one thing closer to having a normal life again, which I wanted with all my heart. I had taken normality and security for granted and now I was paying for it with spies of an evil angel watching me and the supernatural government wanting me dead.

"I'm sorry," He murmured, obviously addressing not only the school situation, but everything.

"I am too," I whispered. Looking up, I met his sympathetic emerald-green eyes. I willed the tears of stress to stay inside my eyes. I had been crying a lot lately, way more than before. So much has changed since then, and it seems like a lifetime has passed since Savanna and I first arrived at Wayland High.

He spotted my mourning expression and scooted closer to me, wrapping a comforting arm around my shoulders and pulling me into his side gently. This wasn't an everyday thing for me since I usually kept my space whenever it came to boys and I was on the brink of freaking out. I tried to think of what Savanna would do in this situation and decided she would have let him take the lead and just go along with it. Resting my head on his shoulder lightly, I squirmed a little.

"Everything's gonna work out." Jensen whispered.

"I hope so." I replied softly. He gave my shoulder a slight reassuring squeeze. I moved back just enough to look up at him. His green eyes glistened in the dim lighting of the small living room and he just stared back at me.

He slowly leaned forward, my heart picking up pace as if it was trying to escape my chest. His soft lips grazed my cheek gently, causing my eyes to widen to saucers.

He pulled away quickly, looking startled by his own actions, "Sorry . . ." I was too shocked to speak. The confusion was overwhelming. Muttering that I had to go, I hurled off the couch and ran to my room, not sparing a glance back at Jensen, afraid of what I might see.

Once I leaped into the security of my bed, I tried to gather my scattered thoughts. What had just happened?! Jensen had kissed me! That's what happened! I hadn't ever thought of him like that! How did he even think of me like that?! He was the charming, sexy, seductive vampire every girl wanted in every cliche romance book and he kissed some stupid shy girl like me! And I just ran away like the coward I was! What's wrong with me?!

I struggled to keep the tears contained in my eyes. I needed to talk to Savanna, but she was still explaining to Nick. I couldn't talk to Annie about it! Jensen was her flippin' brother! That would be way too awkward for her. So, I just lay in my large bed, cuddled up in the comforter, swimming in my own distressed thoughts.

But, the scariest thing wasn't the fact that Jensen had kissed me. It was that, when I replayed the scene over in my mind, I realized how good it had felt. How complete I had felt.


Hello!!!!! LL here! Thanks for reading!!! Lindsey isn't really a sucker for romance . . . haha, but Jensen's getting CLOSER AND CLOSER! l0lZ! HANG IN THERE, J! $~D@WG WANTED A ROMANTIC AND SAPPY SCENE SO I HAD TO SNEAK ON AND CHANGE IT WHEN SHE LEAST EXPECTED IT LOL. So, sorry it's kinda short but that's what happened when I deleted the sappy scene haha. Talk to y'all later!!!!!




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