
794 12 12

Chappie number 12! The day we've all been waiting 4 arrives! Lindsey gets her powers!!! HoOrAy! This chapter starts on the day b4 Lindsey's b~day just in case some people don't catch on l0lZ! And yes, Lindsey was born midnight on Christmas! I know that sounds stupid and fictional but that's when LL (one of the people using this account) was born so I decided to make Lindsey have the same b~day as LL, so there ya go! EnJoY!!! <3



-*-Lindsey POV-*-

I raced down the deserted hallway, constantly tripping over unseen objects that scattered the floor, hidden under the horrifying blanket of darkness that surrounded me. My heart threatened to pound straight out of my chest, which was heaving rapidly as I struggled to catch a breath. Glancing over my shoulder, I saw her. Aradia. Long, silvery hair tumbling down her back and grey eyes blazing into me, she easily glided through the narrow passageway, emitting a dull glow.

Smiling an terrifyingly evil smirk, she whispered, "One more day, Lindsey," Her voice carrying through the hall eerily. "Are you ready? Only one day left. Be prepared . . ." She called out to me, her voice erupting the fog of pure terror into the air. I couldn't explain it if I tried, but as she spoke, nearly translucent smoke portruded from her mouth and when it touched my skin, unimaginable horror struck through me. A small scream escaped my lips as I turned back to face endless gloom in front of me. I continued sprinting, my respiration slowly resembling chokes, gasps, and sobs rather than breathes.

Falling to the cold floor as the strange fear increased cruelly and my aching legs gave way, I shrieked loudly as the smoke wrapped around me. The unexplainable terror was enough to cause my vision to blur from fright as I writhed helplessly on the ground, screaming for someone to help me. Anyone.

When no one replied, my mind flashed back to the time, many years ago, when Savanna and I were discussing how we would choose to die if we had the choice between water or fire. She had concluded that she'd rather it be fire, since she has always had a horrible fear of drowning. Something about the water had always made her uneasy. I, on the other hand, had thought the exact opposite, and would rather drown. Burning to death seemed like the worst thing imaginable. Now, I would have laughed at how wrong I had been if I could have stopped screaming for one moment. This is definitely the most horrible thing imaginable. The most terrible way to die.

I screeched and prayed for it to stop. Prayed to die before I had to take anymore of this horrible feeling. Aradia sauntered up and looked down at me, still smiling unearthly as she watched me suffer. Some part of my mind faintly heard my name being called from somewhere far away, but it seemed much too far to ever reach. "One more day," Aradia whispered. Suddenly, everything around me blurred until the point of nonrecognition and nothing could no longer be seen.

Aradia disappeared along with the dark passageway and new shapes began to form. "Lindsey! Wake up!" A familiar voice yelled, anxiety licking his voice. The terrible fear was beginning to subside but I continued screaming like no tomorrow, horrified it might return. I abruptly gained control of my body and I scrambled for freedom, trying to get away from the strong hands that were now gripping my shoulders. It took me a few seconds to realize I wasn't being held in a restainingway, but in a comforting way. I snatched on to the first thing I came in contact with and pulled myself into it, sobbing uncontrollably. Burying my face in what I now recognized as someone's chest, I felt soothing arms wrap around me as I searched for safety.

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