Chapter 13 - I'm not who I think I am... Then who am I?

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Guys, this is the chapter you've all been waiting for - the one where it all happens. The twist, the turn, the sudden change - The climax....

Okay I should shut up.

Just remember - this is a couple of months after the last chap - so she's Andrew's official girlfriend now...

Continue reading. hee hee ;D


Chapter 13 - I'm not who I think I am... Then who am I?

Huh, I looked at myself in the mirror and saw someone different to who I had seen a couple of months ago. I was happy to be myself - simply me.

I sighed. It had only been the start of this school year when it had all happened. I had fallen in love - with my teacher. And now it was almost time to leave school - in a couple of months.

A whirl of excitement built up inside me. I had had a secret relationship with my teacher for so long - and had managed to keep it a secret. Wow.

I glanced at the calendar to see a big red circle around todays date: 29th February 2012...

Today was Andrew's Birthday... And I was going to give him a big surprise - I wanted to make him think that I had forgotten - and then surprise him in today's date. I couldn't wait.

I quickly finished dabbing on the last of my peach lip-gloss and tied the ribbon on my maroon, black dress. This was going to be great.

Grabbing my purse I rushed down the stairs and hugged my mum.

"You seem a little chirped up today - This doesn't have anything to do with Andrew does it?"

My mum certainly knew me well.

I smiled.

"Yep, mum - I really have to go, I have a date. "

"I remember you used to be this excited about my birthday when you were little."

"It's funny because I'm not in your birthday pictures, mum."

She laughed sheepishly "You were so camera shy..." Her eyes flickered with memories and for some reason she looked... sad.

"Mum! This isn't the time for a family memorial session - I have to go!" I exclaimed.

She ruffled my hair lovingly, but I couldn't help but think it all seemed... fake.

"Sure, but could you do me a favour? Bring me my keys from my drawer upstairs will you? Don't give me that look! You won't be late - just hurry please."

I nodded fixing my hair and dashed up.

My mother's bedroom wasn't exactly a place where you could find things easily - it was like a maze, where you'd just wonder into the depths of it... Deeper and deeper.

I quickly opened the drawer and relief swept over me as I grabbed the keys, but my gaze captured an envelope with my name in it and curiosity welled up inside me. I reached out and picked it up.

Inside was little pictures of me as a baby - pictures I had never seen before. A picture of me playing in a park, me in a buggy and me with the most beautiful woman I had ever seen in my entire life... She looked a lot like me. My gaze drifted to another picture of me in the bath.

I smiled, my mother certainly had all my embarrassing photos.

She must be collecting them to show them to Andrew...

How embarrassing!

I quickly folded the envelope and began to put it in my purse, but a tiny folded piece of paper managed to slip out.

To Andrew, with loveWhere stories live. Discover now