Chapter 11 - Trust.

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Okay, so up until now, I had been throwing any random ideas I had into my wonder story, but now I have a proper storyline - which I really LOVE!!! 

And guess what? This wattpad user is making me a trailer for my story!!! And I am trying to make one too! This is gonna b the best! I'm sooo excited!

Okay, I should stop boring u guys now... Bore urself with Mara's!

Oh and remember to check out the description for the story - ive changed it!


Chapter 11 - Trust.

I quickly brushed my hair and tied it into a quick ponytail - I was going to be late!

Rushing down the stairs, I planted a quick kiss on my little brother's cheek, stuffed my toast in to my mouth and hugged my mum. Then I ran out of the door.

How could I have overslept?

Today was the day I was going to play the lead role in the final play at my drama school - and I was so late! My teacher had trusted me to play my role and not do anything unexpected so he hadn't even kept a substitute... How on earth was I supposed to get to drama school? This was a nightmare.

As I was struggling to stuff my script in my bag I heard the sound of another door slamming shut.

"Going somewhere?" Sir asked.

I smiled.

He looked so inhumanely hot today! He was wearing casual jeans and a white top, with a black leather jacket on top. His hair was, as usual, ruffled making him look menacing yet mature.

Okay no checking out - I'm late!

"Really can't talk right now Sir! I'm late for drama school and I've got the lead role and if I miss this they're going to be so disappointed and my mum can't drop me off because the car is not working and I - I gotta go!" I said whilst rushing down the street to catch my bus. It should be here in 3 minutes. 

"Mara - your bag" I turned around to see Sir waving my bag at me. My hand immediately reached for my waist, how'd he get it?

I ran back to retrieve my bag.

"Your strap broke off when you took off." 

"Thanks - all my equipment is in there!" I chimed.

"No problem, Mara, where is your drama school?"

"Harrow" I replied.

"So you're going to take the 18?" He asked. Yep.


How'd he know? He didn't even know how to get here from school!

"How do you know?" I asked, confused.

"I've lived here all my childhood Mara..."

"So, how did you not know the way back home?"

"Who said I didn't?"

"Well, you asked me to help you..."

"Do you think I really needed that help?" His eyes looked like a playful child's. 

What? How did that work?

I shook my head.

"Sir, As much fun as it is talking to you, I really can't because I'm late for my performance..."

"What's your drama school called?" He said while putting on a helmet, getting on his motorbike and putting the keys in to start the engine.

"Stagecoach" I shouted over the roar of his engine starting.

To Andrew, with loveWhere stories live. Discover now