Chapter 2. Mckayla

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Chapter 2. Mckayla

I guess it's sort of funny, when you look back at your past. Every teenager changes in some way. Either a little bit, or drastically. And I guess you could say I'm one of those teenagers that change drastically. 

Laying flat down on my bed, I have my cell phone in one hand, and my wine glass in the other. Right now, I've spent most of the afternoon texting my ass of a boyfriend, Kevin, and flipping through old pictures. A bitter-sweet sort of mood I suppose I'm in at the moment. Would the old Mckayla ever think about drinking wine, smoking weed or wallowing in self-pity? Guess not. But that's where I've changed, I guess. Sophomore year, I didn't think about anything other than getting Andrew, my dream boy. Now look where I am now, my depression at extreme, the sadness taking over my life. I still have that extremely sweet, good-girl personality, but it just doesn't show in public.

Suddenly, my phone vibrated and interrupted my picture scrolling. It was a Facebook notification. 

                                 Marie Karnell commented on your status. 

That was weird, Marie was a senior with me, but we rarely talked. 

Again, my phone vibrated, and again. 

                            Marie Karnell and ten other's commented on your status.

Frantically, I clicked on the notification. What status was everyone so interested in? 

                              Mckayla McGregor: Going to Shafeeq's party later! Word on the street is, there might be strippers (; aha! Hope everyone comes! And bring the booz! :P 

Oh my god. I don't even remember writing that? Was I drunk? I scroll down to look at all the comments. 


                                      Yo Mckayla! Why are you such a whore?

                                            You need like major counceling.

                              Ever gonna lay off the booz? Seriously. Stay home. 

                             Nobody wants you at the damn party anyway, loser.

                                   Remember when she use to be little ms.innocent?

I scroll up to see the time I wrote this, but I don't really believe it's me. Last night at 12.57 P.M, I was sleeping over at Cecilia's and I was definitely sleeping. Definitely. But I did use Cecilia's IPod to check my Facebook. I must have stayed logged in! Shit! 

I quickly push the delete button on my status, hoping that it will all go away. I quickly dialed Cecilia's number. She answered in two rings, sounding like she just woke up, but that was really her hang over voice. 

"Cecilia Ann! Why the hell did you make a status on my account?" 

"What...?" She answers, adding a yawn. 

"You updated my status. Yesterday. When I was sleeping." I replied, hoping I wouldn't have to explain it again.

"Oh yeah, that. Hope you wouldn't be mad, but I accidentally thought that I was logged in, but you know. I was drunk and all, it was a mistake."

"Why didn't you delete then?" I rolled my eyes, and sighed into the phone. God, I just wish I could punch her. So clueless. 

"I thought it would be kind of good for you to have a reputation as being a bad girl. It's better if your hanging out with me. At our school it's better to not be... yourself, essentially." Her voice sounded awful, getting deeper everyday, probably. Maybe if she stopped smoking so much...

I know I sound hypocritical here, but really, she smokes ten times more than me. And she smokes everything. She got me started on the habit.

"Your being a bitch right now, Cecilia. If you ever do that again..."

"You'll what? Stop being friends with me? I'm the best thing that ever happened to your social status, McKay." And with that, she hung up on me. Typical.

Maybe she was helping my social status. But I kind of missed being normal. I hated the habits I picked up. But I've always been rejected. By every boy I liked, by girls at school, by my family, everybody! When you have depression, it can definitely lead to things. 

I took one final gulp of red- wine, and took a bite out of the glass. Swallowing it felt amazing, like I could cut free of all the pain. 

Yeah, I definitely wasn't the same McKayla anymore. But did it matter? 

A/N: I hope you guys aren't totally mad at me for making Mckayla like this.. but she's an interesting character.  I hope you feel her pain. She just needs to boost her confidence again! She's still that amazing person deep inside. COMMENT GUYS. LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU'RE THINKING, PLEASE. XD But seriously, the reads aren't climbing up, and I thought they would be. You all were so excited for the sequel! What happened? :( Well, I'll give you time. Thank you for all the lovely silent readers. And thanks for the 24,000 reads on "Crazy Little Thing Called Love" Let's just make this one as exciting! Thank you! Love you all! <3

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