The two wolves shift together and the two brothers smile at one another. “Shit, Warren! You can fight!” Channing praises. His brother nods and shifts suddenly, running around him. He watches as Warren launches at the lioness that the human is holding off by holding his gun with both hand and thrusting it into the mouth of the cat. Channing shifts and joins his brother, gently pulling the scratched and bitten human away from the fight.

Sam grabs the trunk of the elephant and pulls, ignoring the blood trickling from his nose. The large animal shows it displeasure by lifting up and pulling Sam with it. Sam holds on and grunts as the elephant brings him down to the ground with a thud. He feels his spine break and fix quickly. He sinks his fangs into the trunk and it shakes its head back and forth in pain. Sam pulls up and climbs to sit on the large tusks that stick out dangerously. He throws a powerful punch into the elephant’s eye and then jumps to the top of its head, using all his strength to pull at its ear and it begins to rip.

It lifts it two large front feet from the ground and Sam rolls down its back and to the floor behind it. He grunts as he feels his ribs and arm healing from the fall. The large animal lifts its back over him and begins to bring it down in top of him.

There is a large whoosh of air and a blurred shape jumps and hits the elephant’s side, the blurred shape pushes everyone aside as the elephant falls to the ground with a deafening crash. Sky holds a hand out to her father and he takes it, standing and rolling his head until his neck clicks.

“What are you doing here?” He shouts over the noise.

“Saving your ass, so it would seem!”

“Get out of here, it’s too dangerous!”

“Sorry, you’re stuck with me!” She runs forward and begins to pull at the fallen elephant’s tusk, it cracks painfully but she struggles to remove it. Sam is at her side and with his strength the remove it and pierces the animal’s stomach. It roars in pain before changing to a middle aged woman on the floor in front of them.

“How did you know we were here?” Sam pushes her out of the way of gun fire and rolls to the ground next to her.

“You’re my dad; I know all your stupid plans. Even the ones you don’t tell me.”

“Let me guess...” He kicks a lion that rushes towards him and its neck snaps. “You were there when I met Channing?”

She nods happily before tackling a gorilla to the ground with an animated war cry. “Yahhhhhhhhhh!”  

The tiger growls at Jessica and she nods, standing and following it into the bloody garden. She hears screams of pain and cries of terror but her expression remains blank and her minds remains controlled by Launa’s.

She crouches and follows the tiger as she walks calmly through gun fire and roaring animals. The tiger pushes her behind a fallen elephant; it notices them and stays down, granting them cover from the out of control bullets. The tiger peers around the elephants head and then pulls Jessica towards the house again, the elephant stands and follows behind them, covering them as much as possible.

Something runs under the elephants legs and knocks the tiger over. A young girl stands over the cat and kicks it hard in the neck. “Jess, come with me!” Sky shouts, taking her by the hand. The tiger bites down on her leg and she cries out as the cat drags her away from the human. “Jess, run!”

Jessica waits patiently for the tiger to return, her dull eyes watching Sky being dragged along the floor.

“Jessica, snap out of it!” Sam is by her side, shaking her shoulders. She turns to him and stares. “Sara!” He leaves Jessica quickly, picks the tiger into air and drops it to the floor again. He picks his wounded daughter up and carries her to Jessica. “Jessica, can you hear me?”


“Wake up!” Two large wolves pounce on the tiger that sneaks up behind Sam, pushing it away from the human. “Jessica, you need to snap out of it!”

“I don’t want to.” Rain begins to fall around them thunder booms directly above their heads.

“Yes you do, come on!” A bolt of lightning shoots to the ground and strikes a gorilla, it falls to the ground, a dead man. “Stop, Jessica! You don’t want to hurt anyone!” Another lightning bolt, closer this time and a terrified guard dives to the side to avoid it.

‘Help me Sam, it hurts!’ He hears her mind screaming at him.

“I’m going to help you, I promise!”

A gorilla winds its large arm around the vampire and throws him and his daughter across the garden, chasing after them. The tiger runs around the wolves and pushes Jessica with its large head. She stumbles and falls through the doors of the large house and to the floor.

A gun points to her head and she looks up, her face still emotionless.


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