Chapter Eleven

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I'll need it

Alexia POV

Natalie was standing by her locker with one of her friends, Clarice, that Alexia recognized from the other night at the soccer match. They were hunched over, giggling at something their shallow minds found amusing, in typical Natalie fashion. Alexia slowed down her walking pace as she neared them and couldn't help eavesdropping.

"So, like, I bet he's totally going to ask me soon. Like, I'm his girlfriend, for Goodness's sake."

"But didn't he like, stop, like, calling you after, like, the game? Like what the hell, man? Like what was up with that?"

"He was probably tired. I, like, talked to him the other day, like through text, and he said that he's just been, like, busy."

"Well, he'll be back, either way. No way he's, like, gonna pass up a girl like you."

"Duh! Who else could he go for?" Natalie paused mid-self appreciation moment and lowered her voice. "Though Chris is hot," she whispered, stretching the last word.

Clarice clapped her hands excitedly. "Oh yes he is! He is so sexy it should be, like, a crime!"

Natalie pretended to swoon. "Did you see his tan? I swear he looked so delicious with it!"

"And at swim practice the other, like, day? He was wearing these totally in bright yellow trunks and his body was like some Greek god!" Clarice squealed.

"I know! He should be, like, illegal, ohmigod! Do you think I have a chance?"

"What about Caden?"

"Screw Caden. If Chris was so much as to glance in my direction for five second, I would dump Caden faster than his ass could even react!"

"But, like, now Caden's the big star after last week's game. You know what that means, don't you?" Clarice asked and her face almost looked worried. Alexia wanted to laugh and puke and slap their faces all at once.

"You have a point there. But Chris is so dreamy I would, like, give anything to get within ten feet of him!"

"Well, it is worth a shot. Try giving him your number. Maybe after he, like, takes notice of you he'll fall in love." They both squealed and doubled over, giggling at their stupid fantasies.

Alexia shook her head and walked on. Caden was an absolute idiot for getting involved with such a girl, a term Alexia used loosely on Natalie, though she failed to see how she was worthy of actually getting a choice in the social ladder, even with a boy like Caden. She also failed to see how Natalie's rejection would cause Caden any sort of heartbreak, but oh well, it was not her problem.

"Hey Alexia."

Alexia turned around to find Almier smiling at her. "Hey, what's up," she said, feeling her mood instantly shoot up with his presence.

"Have you heard about the dance," he asked.

Alexia laughed and waved her hand around. "Well, with these posters, it would be hard not to!"

Almier laughed nervously and Alexia noticed that his hands were intertwined and he was fiddling around more than usual. Oh God, is he going to ask me out to the dance? What do I say? What do I say?

"Umm, I was actually wondering if you..." he died of and stared at the ground. "If you'd like to grab a drink later. This, uh, new coffee stand opened up near my place and it's kinda cool." He gave a sheepish smile.

Alexia snapped back into reality. She was not expecting that. Did he just ask me out? Does asking a girl out for a drink constitute as a date? "Uh, sure, I'd love to," she replied, smiling, excitement bubbling in her. It wasn't the question she had been expecting, but it was a request she'd gladly adhere to.

"Great!" Almier said a little too enthusiastically. "See you later!"

Alexia waved at him and her insides were singing. She had a date! She, Alexia Lee, was going on an actual date, without using the involvement of academics as an excuse. That's another record for the books, she thought happily.

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