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Hey guys this is my first story so I promise it will get better, I just had to work the back information in somehow, so now that that's over please read on !
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   Of course I'm going to be late. Miss May is definitely going to kill me.

Before I leave for vacation I need to get all of my study packets for finals from my teachers. It's the end of the day and of course I've waited until the last possible second to go to Miss May's room.

She's the only teacher who assigns a packet to do over the week, so of course I waited until lunch today to even start the thing. I just finished last period when Mr. Doyle was talking about who knows what. I swear we never learn anything in that class, which is fine with me because if I didn't finish this paper for Miss May in his class I would have to hear the whole rant from her about how there is so excuse for me to not have this done and you know the drill.

Basically, she is psychotic. It's pretty ironic that her last name is May because no matter what you ask the answer you get is "no" or "no you may not." I swear something crawled up her ass a long time ago, there's no other reason that she'd be this nasty.

Apparently she was asked to resign from her old job at a public school because of some incident that happened in her class.

Some kid asked to go to the bathroom during a test and she responded with her famous "No you may not." The boy kept asking, and she told him that if he asked her one more time the only place he'd be going was the principal's office. So the kid wet himself.

I guess that's why she was passed on to us, sadly. I go to a private all girls school, so no boys for her to worry about. Although I don't think she has that problem. Her name's "Miss" for a reason. I guess no man could stand her horrible polka dot sweaters and khaki colored trousers as much as she couldn't stand men.

I'm pretty well-liked here at Villa Santa Marta Academy. I mean since it's all-girls there aren't boys to impress so you just act like yourself. I play soccer, field hockey, and lacrosse, so I'm pretty popular in the sports area of school. I used to be a cheerleader, but what's the point in cheering if there's no football team to cheer for? Seriously though who would want to cheer at a school that's all girls?

In high school if you play a sport, are pretty and funny, you're basically popular by default. I'm incredibly sassy, which usually gets me in trouble, but everyone thinks it's pretty entertaining when the teachers get flustered with my language, especially Miss May, so who cares. I mean I'd never actually go too far. Okay that's a lie but still it doesn't get to the point where it's a serious problem. I know my place.

I have blonde hair that goes to about half way down my back and light blue eyes with yellow specks that sometimes turn grey with the weather. My hair is always getting on my nerves. It just doesn't like to cooperate. It's slightly wavy so it can't be left down unless it's styled in some way, so it almost always ends up in a ponytail or messy bun. Sadly I'm only 5'2" so I'm pretty short with no chance of growing. I have slight abs from all of the sports I play, thank the Lord for metabolism and sports, because with how much I love food I would weigh more than a truck by now.

Anyway, right now I'm racing to the psycho's class to get my packet from her, and just as I round the corner, of course I smack into someone. Shit.

I open my eyes and see a polka dot sweater. Double shit. It couldn't be another student because we all wear our burgundy and white uniforms.

"Sorry Miss May, I didn't see you, I was rushing to come and get the work I need from you. And to hand in the packet from Monday." I say. She's still gonna be pissed at me.

"Watch where you're going Lottie, you almost made me spill tea all over my top." Yeah, like that would've been a crime. "As for the packet I'll take that, although there will be five points taken off for lateness. Here's your work that's you're going to need to do. And it better not be late when you get back."

"It'll be done, thank you." I fake smile. Bitch..

As I walk down the hall, people are telling me to have a great time on my week off and to take lots of pictures.

At the end of the hall I see one of my best friends Meg waiting at the glass doors. "I still can't believe you're going to Hawaii the week before finals. You're gonna die when you get back, but I still hate you you lucky bitch." This is why Meg is one of my best friends. We've known each other for five years and you'd think that we've been friends our whole lives. I can tell you some things about her you don't need to know, and she knows pretty much every secret I have (does that even make it a secret anymore?) although she sucks at keeping them.

That's how I would up having to explain to the guidance counselor why there were tampons taped to my locker last year. I'm pretty sure that the janitor was horrified when he saw this, but it was all Meg'a fault. I told her I got my period during the chem test and she wound up telling the whole freaking table about it, so yeah tampons on the locker real funny.

"Hey I told you I'm bringing back presents so stop bitching or you're not getting anything." I snicker back. She knows I'm not serious so she doesn't seem phased at all.

"Yeah right, that won't happen." Yeah it wouldn't. Even if I was mad at her, I'd buy her something and wait until I wasn't pissed at her anymore.

"Well my ride's here, I gotta go. See you when I get back babe!"

"Take lots of pictures and at least try and meet a cute boy, okay? Please, you need to get out there again."

And like that my smile started to fade. But I didn't want her to notice, so I just said back "Yeah maybe." Not gonna happen but why put her down, she just wants me to be happy again.

Although I don't think I can ever feel that way towards someone again, at least not now. The guy would have to be something special, and there's not exactly a fine selection of boys at my school, so I don't see me getting the chance to move on from Connor happening as soon as I would like. I just don't see that as a part of the past that I can let go easily.

I walk out of the glass doors and give Meg and some other classmates a wave before I step into my mom's Buick. With school out of the way, all that's left to do is finally have some time to relax and have fun in Hawaii . God knows I need a break from this place, even if it's just for a little while.

Hopefully it won't be a boring trip. This time around I want an adventure or at least something out of the ordinary. Philadelphia International Airport here I come, and you better not disappoint me.

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