Character profile

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Name: Nanami sakamaki


Siblings: shuu, Reiji, Ayato, laito, kanato, Subaru, Ruki, Yuma, Kou, Azusa

Friends: Kora, shin, Carla

Looks: long white hair red eyes.

Likes: blood, her brothers and father, shin and Carla, pain, drawing, danger, the night sky, rain, wolves, cuddling, sweets.

Dislikes: girls, pink, lightning

Fear: lightning.

Height: 5'5

Blood type: A

Personality: childish and loves to mess with her brothers and friends. She is stern when she's scolding someone and is cold and cruel to all girls. She's not someone who you want to mess with in school she's very sadistic and always listens to her brothers and tries to only stay happy even if she's not for them.

Well I changed a few things in Nanami's profile I hope you like them. Anyways working on the next chapter now can't wait for you all to read.

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