Part Two: The form of True beauty

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Authors Note: This will be my part of my story. LET ME KNOW WHAT QUESTIONS YOU WANT ANSWERED! Also if you like it let me know and vote! and yeah! Thanks for all the support the second one should be up soon!

Once again the bold are Jana speaking and the italics are Riddle speaking.

This is Part Two... in a sens chapter two if it was in paper back. Let me know what you think. And Please share!


(continuing from last chapter...)


"There is no need to say a word which you can form. I tell you to go left when I mean right, and I tell you to go right when I mean left. I am not talking about opposite day nor directions but simply the state of your minds."

Her breath was steady as she listen to my words.

It took her a few minutes before she replied.

"If you mean confused that would be an accurate statement, but it is so much more than that. I..."

"Wordless are the ones at the beginning but full of  new found knowledge at the end. But what you mean is not what I just said, what I said was for your comfort. What you mean is your breath has been stolen without being taken and your eyes want to be mistaken but can't."

"Your words of comfort helped, and yes speechless is the correct way to put it."

Her mouth moved like she wanted to say more.

As we stood in the same position as before,

I smiled at her and waited patiently for her to say the words she has not yet said.

"No one has ever giving me a flower before...and to be given one in this way is more than I could have asked for."

"Sometimes people do not see beauty as for what it truly is. What is true beauty you ask? It comes in many forms but my favorite so far is you."

The moment I said those lines tears brimmed her eyes,

and not wanting to see her cry I quickly spoke again.

  "I do not mean to rush those who want to stay but a traveler must keep traveling to reach his destination."

Her tears started to retreated as she understood what I meant.

My sigh of relief was soft but could still be heard by her.

Jana's eyes looked up from the flower in her hands,

and her eyes all of the sudden turn into puppy dog eyes.

"Am I allowed to ask more questions when we get inside the car?"

Who would have guessed?

Trying to contain the odd excitement within me.

I gave her the most simple answer I could.

"There are two or more answers to that question and it all depends on the questions you ask."

The smile on her face let me know she was pleased with the answer.

I directed  my right arm towards the car, and put my left hand over my heart.

" ' I' comes before 'e' except after c. How does this rule apply to both of us?"

She giggled.

"Are we taking English lessons now, Riddle? If you so you are breaking more rules than I am."

She put the flower in her right hand and tap the end of my nose after she spoke,

then turned to walk back to the car.

Jana had already reached the car before I came back to my sense.

I put my hands in my pockets and made way as quickly as possible to the driver's side.

As soon as the belt buckles snap, and we started moving her questions started.

"So why can't we just poor water over everything so people can see how this world really is? Why are they going through so much trouble to hide whatever they are hiding?

" 1 or 2 but 2 will become more clear as more questions are asked."

"I am going to go with 1. I don't feel like I can handle number 2."

As soon as she finish saying that sentence my body shook with unheard laughter.

It continue for a minute or two until she realized what I was laughing at.

"You rather go with the liquid that comes out of you than the solid?"

"Really Riddle? Really."

Apparently my laughter was contagious because she started to laugh as well.

After another minute I put myself together to answer he question.

"What happens when water cannot be reached for over 48 hours?"

"We die. But you said death was fiction so I don't get how that relates."

"The water we drink is why I can see you and you can see me. Without it death is another form of hiding. Unless someone has been told what you have been told, or their eyes will remain blind. To them water is used to live and not used to see things."

As soon as I finished the last sentence I clenched my jaw shut.

I wasn't mad, I was bracing myself self for what was about to come.

Before she spoke again the intense burn returned to my mouth.

"If they are others like you who have seen this world why haven't they told more people?"

Took in a sharp breath through my nose, and did everything in my not to put my hands in a death grip around the steering wheel.

   "We all have been cursed in a different way. When we speak of the forbidden we burn. In short the more you know the more it burns but it burns without the touch of acid,  fire, heat, or a bite from a bug."

"So they don't tell others because they get a burning sensation every time they speak. How can something burn without those four things you mention?"

  "The burn is not a burn but the pain is equal. It is not the pain that prevents us from telling another. What prevents us from speaking is the meaning behind the burn. It is a reminder. The more we speak the more we burn and the more people disappear under the disguise of death."

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