The main doors slide open again and a Storm Trooper comes running towards us.

"Sir, we just received word that the girl and the droid have been spotted on Takodana!" His voice was rushed and urgent, I knew the droid they were speaking of, BB-8, but I had now idea about this unnamed girl.

Kylo pulls me to my feet by arm and starts rushing inside.

"Take her to my room, have five guards stand outside." With that he storms away, leaving a more than pissed off female Jedi behind.

Really? Five guards? Had we not made any progress in the last two weeks? Any? And he just talked about me as if I was not even here! Who was this girl he was going after?

The Storm Trooper takes my arm but I shake him off, when he goes to grab my again I snap at him.

"If you plan on keeping that hand then keep it off me." He didn't touch me again. I had an idea but I had to be extremely careful if I was going to pursue it and I would have to do it fast. "You are going to keep walking and let me go." I looked at him and he tensed up.

"I'm going to keep walking and let you go." With that he walked away from me while I smirked, works every time.

I made my way through the Starkiller until I found myself outside one of the main control rooms, looking around I spot an air shaft so I'm quick to pop it open, crawl inside, and then pull it shut. Crawling through I'm almost dead silent, I find my way to the control room where I can hear what's going on.

"What a fool! He thinks we won't need more fleets but he is wrong! Does he not understand the importance of getting that map?" It's a man's voice and I have a feeling I knew exactly what map he was talking about. "If Kylo Ren messes this up, I'll be sure to let Supreme Leader Snoke know about it."

"Kylo Ren will not disappoint." Captain Phasma, I would know that annoying voice anywhere. The woman absolutely drove me insane.

"Well I hope so. That little play thing of his has got to go, she is becoming quite the distraction." Was he talking about me?

"Supreme Leader Snoke and Kylo Ren both believe that she will benefit us, should Kylo be able to get her on our side. As of now she is still Resistance scum."

"Yes but beautiful Resistance scum." The way the words sounded on his lips made my skin crawl in the most awful way. I could almost imagine what he was thinking and it made me feel so disgusted. "I'll make sure to get my hands on her one of these days."

"I wouldn't be so sure General Hux, she is quite the fighter." Well thanks for the defense Phasma, dually noted.  The conversation drowned out as they walked away and I took that as my queue to get back to my room before I was caught snooping around.

When I popped open the air vent I didn't even get the chance to climb out because white gloved hands pulls me roughly to my feet. I'm getting really tired of these Storm Troopers.

"Well look what we have here." It was the same man who had just been talking about me. He took a few steps towards me, making me increasingly uncomfortable with the closeness. "Follow me." He starts walking and two Troopers are quick to drag me behind him. I find myself in the same type of chair that I had first woken up in when I arrived at the Starkiller. "Leave us." He says to the Storm Troopers and I knew my luck was running out.

I hear the door slide shut behind me and when I turn to look at General Hux, the look in his eyes sends a cold shiver down my spine.

"So you are the girl causing so much trouble, the female Jedi." He said the last words with disgust. "I personally don't see what all the fuss is about but Kylo Ren sure has a reason to keep you alive."

"He will murder you if you kill me." I tell him, making him smirk.

"Oh I'm not going to kill you. I'm just going to use you to get a message along to Kylo Ren."

I tried my best to calm my head, to get my voice to Kylo but I couldn't. He was too shut off and Hux was making sure I didn't have time to think.

"Tell me, what makes you so special?" His hand caressed my cheek and I turned my head sharply to bite at his skin. I could feel the pull to the dark side more than ever now that I felt my life was in danger. It was so strong that I was fighting against myself, not sure how to handle the feeling of the darkness. "You bitch!" He yells before punching me in the face with his now bloodied hand. "You'll pay for that!" He hits me again in the face and all I can think is how this little man can pack a punch.

"Does that make you feel better?" I asked him before spitting blood at his angry form.

"Maybe I will kill you, save the Supreme Leader some trouble." His fist then hits my stomach and I clench down on my teeth to avoid making a noise but that only angers him more.

"If you hit me one more time I'm going to make you pay." I warned him as I feel the pull get even stronger and the darkness start to take over as the need to defend myself arose.

"What could you possibly do?" He goes to hit me again and the moment after his fist collides with my face I send him flying back into the wall where he is held by the force. I couldn't believe it. These were not powers that I possessed, at least not while I was on the light side, this was dark. His eyes went wide in fear as he looked at me. "Please... don't."

"Don't kill you? Oh I wouldn't do that. You're going to let me out of these restraints do you understand?"

"I'm going to let you out of these restraints." I let him down from the wall, he comes over and lets me out, but the moment I'm free I find myself with my hand around his throat and his back to the wall. I couldn't control it! I wanted to hurt him.

I slammed him back against the wall, hard enough to knock him out, then I let his body fall to the floor. I spit the blood out of my mouth as I walked towards the door and when it opened I used the wave of my hand to send the three Storm Troopers flying back into the wall. I could feel the power pulsing through my body unlike anything I had felt before and I wasn't so sure I liked it.

What the hell was happening to me?


Awe I feel bad for all the changes that Naku is having to go through! Please let me know what you guys think so I can make sure I'm taking the story in the direction you guys want it to go! Thank you!!!

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