Chapter 11

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soooo after taking a long ass break, i finally decided to come back. I just read all of the comments of the first book and people are seriously ridiculous. To me, for someone being that is their first book and not good at writing, but they're content of what is already written and such, let them be. It makes them happy. I just got so upset over all of the comments saying how fast it was going, how it was called a halfa instead of a halfy. Just deal with it. It's a book, it's a fan fiction. Just deal with it. But anyway after my little rant. I hope all of you are doing alright, and I hope you guys had an amazing Christmas, if I don't update in time, I hope you guys have a happy new year as well. love you all babies♥ xoxoxo 


Weeks on end trying to figure out what date we should get married on. 

We finally decided on the new year, January first. 

Everyone who is invited is going to the castle in the ghost zone and we set up chairs for all the villagers so they can come see as well. 

As for the box, I never opened it up after I almost drained all of my power. I was really determined  to figure out who she was to me. 

Danny and Max are out for the day spending time with Maddie, Jack and Jazz. 

I closed the door and held the gold box in my tiny hands. 

My white long nails traced over the detail and I just hum to myself and had a small smile on my face. 

I opened it up and a small glow appeared and shined upon my pale skin. 

I braided my long brown hair, and slowly touch the statue of the two lovers in the middle. 

My vision began to become hazy, I slowly wake up and see that the lady was not there. 

'King Winter's. Your wife to be is looking for you." I hear someone say before walking right near me, I quickly hid behind a wall and I peak and see the lady my father was supposed to marry. But it was not the lady that I had met. 

My father stood in front of the black haired woman, she had brown eyes, and dressed in all black. She didn't look like the type of person my father who would marry. 

"Whatcha looking at?" I hear the familiar voice I remember. I look beside me and see the woman who looked exactly like me. 

"Who is she?" I ask while looking at her. Her green eyes just watered up a bit before looking over at me. 

"That's Elizabeth. She's a princess of some sort. I forget from where, I don't bother to care. He had to be engaged to her, in his family history, they were always married off to a richer family. Sadly, I'm not that rich, I'm so much younger than him as well." she explained. 

I scrunch my eyebrows up before looking at the pair. 

Elizabeth didn't seem like the good kind, she seemed like if she didn't get her way, something bad would happen. 

"When are they going to get married?" I ask her, "The first of January." her voice cracked and it broke me. 

"Look I'm about to go back to the party and meet up with him later. Just keep an eye on the pair will ya love?" she asks, I just nod my head yes and just watch her figure walk away, holding her beautiful dress in one hand. 

I lean over and look at the pair, my father's eyes didn't twinkle with joy how it did with the mystery woman. He looked annoyed, he looked like he was just wasting his time. 

"Who is she?" Elizabeth's voice spoke up, "I don't know what you're talking about darling." he said before sitting in the chair that was placed in front of Elizabeth. "Oh cut it Winters. I know you're seeing the peasant. You know you're not supposed to be like this. You're supposed to be faithful to me. I don't want you to see her anymore. Promise me. Because if you break that promise, so help you." Elizabeth warned my father and just walking quickly.  Not noticing me. 

My father sit there just pulled out the small gold box and just traced it with his long fingers like I have done before I opened. 

"Oh Katheryn. If I could just run away with you." he mumbled before he but the box inside of his pocket and walked out. 

I sat there and didn't know what how to process it. 

But now I knew her name. 

I quickly jump before waking up and seeing Danny looking really disappointed in me. 

 "Danny listen. I know her name." I tell him before standing up on my knees and wrapping my arms around him. "I know her name." I whisper.

He just stood there and didn't know what to do. So he started to pet my hair and just hugs me. 

"What else did you see?" he asks, "My father was supposed to get married to this woman named Elizabeth. She seemed so dark, that vibe I got off of her. The way she looked. Her black hair, her dark brown eyes, and I don't know Danny. I want to return and see what happens. But the way she acted."

 I just shook my head. 

"You know they were supposed to get married on the First like us?" I look up at him and he just looked like he was thinking. 

"Do you think two people can go into the portal with you? I would like come and meet her as well and try to help." Danny said, his blue eyes looking concerned at me. "I need to do this for myself, love." I place my tiny hands on his cheeks and kiss his nose. 

I just need to figure out what happened. 

I need to go back again. 

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