Chapter Twelve

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The following week, Oliver told Max and Walter about what's going on with him. They thought Oliver will be alright, they didn't expect it would last long. Walter suggested that Oliver should consult a psychiatrist. Max suggested that Oliver should go to a yoga class. The fact that Demetria won't reveal herself to Oliver and not knowing why she's "haunting" him or something.

Daisy felt embarassed about what happened in Oliver's room. She's starting to avoid Oliver after that. This might ruin their friendship and the awkwardness between the two came back. Oliver felt kinda bad about it. He started seeing Daisy and Dexter together for a couple of times. There's nothing Oliver could do, they're not together. There's so many things going on with Oliver's life and he can't handle the pressure. He thought his high school life would just be study and chill but it's not. He went to the nearest Starbucks to grab a cappuccino and just cool off, again, and also to do his homework. He grabbed his laptop and started researching. Productivity! Everything seemed normal until...

"One Caramel Frappuccino for Demetria!"

Oliver startled. There's no one claiming the order. There's no sign of Demetria. Is it a coincidence? Oliver fixed his things and finished his cappuccino and he left. He felt really sad that he didn't get to see Demetria, again. There's no other girl that makes him happy, besides his mom and older sister. There's Daisy but she's just Oliver's friend.

The following day, at school, Oliver felt a bit embarassed, still.

"Hey, Oliver!"

"Woah, Daisy?! You scared the hell out of me."

"Look. I had enough. I guess it's time for you and I to talk again."

"I guess so too. Look, I should've not fell asleep too. I know we're both tired that night but I should've been more responsible."

"It's fine, Oliver. It was nobody's fault. I heard you've been experiencing something supernatural."

"What? What are you talking about?"

"Max and Walter told me. They're worried about you. You've been seeing, hearing things. Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because it's not important."

"Well to me, it is."


"Of course, you're my friend. I'll tell you what. Before this gets even worse, you should consult a psychiatrist."

Oliver was happy that he and Daisy are okay. But he's kinda sad, Daisy still thinks of him as a friend. Oliver's kinda assuming sometimes, if not, all the time when it comes to girls. Oliver decided to consult a psychiatrist a few days later after school. His doctor was Dr. Leslie Queen who happens to be Daisy's mother's friend.

"So what brings you here, Mr. Camp? Daisy's been talking a lot about you."

"Really, doc? Oh, uhmm..I'm seeing and hearing things. Well, actually not a thing, it's a person."

"Okay. When did this start?"

"Been a while now. Maybe a year or so. It all started when I kept seeing a girl, probably same as my age, with a sweater from my room outside our house. She's always not showing her face."

"Have you been watching a lot of scary movies?"

"No. I'm not. I do watch them from time to time but not all the time."

"Hmm. Daisy says you're a funny and an outgoing guy. Do you know why you're experiencing these things?"

"I don't really know. Well, I'm not really outgoing to a lot of people, only the people I'm close with which is Max, Walter and Daisy."

"Do you recall something in the past that led you to this? Maybe an experience that happened before?"

"Not really. I haven't thought of anything yet. There's a cold feeling whenever she appears. There's also a fog feeling. I took a picture of her once while I was at a movie theater. Let me show you."

"Hmm. This isn't photoshop. I'm not really an expert on something like this."

"It's fine if you don't believe me. I kinda had a conversation with this girl and she whispers to me back. It's not really scary at all but I'm dying to know who she is and why she's disturbing me at times."

"I suggest you sleep more and free your mind all the time. Keep yourself busy and hang out with more people, Oliver."

"Thanks, doctor. Am I coming back here?"

"In 3 weeks, Oliver, you're next appointment."

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