Chapter Six

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Oliver asked his friends if they know a girl named Demetria Springs. Walter and Max do recognize a Demetria but it was Demetria Stone, a former student at their school that left two years ago. Oliver asked almost everyone in his class but Demetria Springs doesn't seem to exist. Is it the girl who's beeen "haunting" him? He seems to be paranoid over this girl. Oliver then went back to Facebook as he went back home and Demetria Springs messaged him.

"You still don't know me, Oliver.."

"Why can't you just reveal yourself to me?"

"That isn't the rule of the game."

"What game?"

"The game you are playing right now..."

"This isn't a horror game, though..."

"Yeah right."

"Okay, fine. I can't wait anymore. Meet me tomorrow."

"At school?"

"In the pool area."

"Seriously? Where the swimmers train..."

"Just go."

Oliver followed Demetria and went to the pool area at their school. Oliver waited for 30 minutes until Demetria showed up. But isn't Demetria. It is Curtis Jones. The basketball star at their school. He pushed Oliver and he drowned. It was a prank after all. Luckily, Max and Walter were there to help Oliver. He was sent to the clinic. He didn't suffer something major but he slept. He dreamed of the girl, yes, again. Why can't she just reveal to Oliver, already? The girl answered Oliver's question. She will reveal herself when the time is right.

Oliver was sent home after he slept at the clinic. He told his parents that he slipped and accidentally drowned. Oliver's sister came home from college since Christmas is a week from now. Having a homecoming dinner for Danielle and everyone's happy talking and eating the food, Oliver's still unsure about Demetria Springs. After dinner, Oliver helped Danielle place the Christmas decorations all over their house.

"So you got a boyfriend, Danielle?"

"Wow. Where did that come from?"

"Umm..nothin' just asking..."

"Well it's complicated, little brother. How about you? Is there a girl that's inside your heart?"

"I'm not pretty sure. I might be hallucinating or anything but I think there is."

"Hey can you put these extra decorations back in the box and to the basement?"


Oliver went to the basement and put back the box of extra decorations. Before he leaves, there's this giant thing leaning on the wall with white cloth covering it. Oliver took out the cloth and it was a painting. He didn't seem to recognize the painting so he asked his sister about it.

"Hey, Danielle! Do you know where this painting come from?"

"I'm not sure. I've seen it before but I don't know who gave it."

"Can I keep it?"

"Sure. Mom and Dad probably won't mind."

Oliver placed it in his room and he lied on his bed. He stared it for a while. It was such a beautiful painting. Oliver listened to The Beatles as he fell asleep.

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