Chapter Four

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There's this new movie coming out and everyone's excited. Beta Wars: Attack of the Aliens...the sequel that everyone's talking about. Oliver, Walter and Max are planning to watch the midnight premiere and on IMAX!

"Beta Wars is coming out next week! Are you guys, excited?" Oliver said.

"Hell yeah! Me and my girlfriend already have 2 IMAX tickets." Walter replied.

"I just hope my girlfriend will go out with me. She doesn't like those kinds of movies." Max replied.

"This movie is what we've been waiting for. The second movie to the newly rebooted Beta Wars series. It's the things we loved when were kids, man! Our childhood returns!"

"So, there a special someone you're going to watch the movie with? That girl with the brown sweater." Walter replied. Walter and Max then laughed.

"Shut up, dude."

"You're still seeing her? Haha, honestly, we believe you. She's give us a picture of her." Max said.

"I can't. I just need a perfect timing."

Oliver, Walter and Max are ready for the midnight premiere. It was Thursday night and the weather is fine. Everyone's lined up in the theater. Oliver ordered a bucket of cheese flavored popcorn, one barbeque flavored tortilla chips and large iced tea. Everyone in line are excited to see the movie. All are fanboys of the film series.

"Okay, you may now enter the theater. The movie will start in 10 minutes, including the trailers." The guy in front of the theater silenced the people in line.

Oliver sat beside Walter, his girlfriend, Max and his girlfriend. It was a double date...and Oliver. He felt alone in the theater. His two best friends were watching the movie beside their girlfriends and Oliver was again and outcast.
The movie was 2 hours and 19 minutes long. Everyone clapped. The movie was mind blowing and epic. Oliver fell asleep when the credits rolled. Walter and Max were trying to wake him up but Oliver is a heavy sleeper. It was 2:35 am and Oliver is all alone in the theater.

"Hush. Oliver, you're not alone." There's still someone in the theater.

"Who's that? Anyone here?" The voice woke Oliver up.

Oliver looked to his right and saw the girl. Now, with a gray sweater.

"Hey, you. How do you know my name? Why do I keep on seeing you? Are you a ghost or something?"

"No, silly." The girl laughed.

"Then, who are you? What are you?"

"You'll eventually know, Oliver."

Oliver then grabbed his phone, opened camera and snapped a photo. The girl was about to disappear. Oliver took a blurry photo of her.

"Walter,'s my proof."

His phone rang and it was his sister. She's waiting for him and she's outside of the theater.

"Hey, Oliver. We have to go."

"Yeah, sorry. I fell asleep when the credits rolled."

"I know, Walter and Max told me. You still have school today, right?"

"I think I might not go today."

"Are you kidding? Get in, Oliver!"

Oliver went inside her sister's car and they went home.

"Remember the girl I kept seeing when I'm alone. Well, I saw her again earlier. I was alone inside the cinema and here, take a look, I got a blurry photo of her."

"Woah. Is this real? Is it a she?"

"Yes....can you see a figure, or something?"

"Yeah. It was like she's running away or something."

"I took it right before she disappeared..."

"Disappeared? Man, you are seeing ghosts...."

"She's not a ghost. I know it. It's like...I know her or something."

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