Let Me Love You (16)

Start from the beginning

    “You three boys go into the sitting room.” My mom leans over and opens a drawer. She pulls out a torch before passing it to Jace and saying, “Here you go, Jace. How are you feeling?”

    “I’m okay, but this will make me feel a lot better.” Tyler and Harrison catch each other’s eye and smirk a little before they all walk out of the room. I sit on the counter and stare at my mother who is patching up Jordan. It turns out that Carter had got his jaw as well as his nose and his mouth has a little bit of blood trickling out of it. My mom begins to dab it slightly, and Jordan just sits there, not sure what to say or do.

    “Jordan, I think you should stay at home tomorrow.”

    “Jace has a doctor’s appointment, so I’ll get Kyle to pick me up.”

    “Okay, that’s good because I doubt I would be able to drop you home until about midday,” She says and Jordan nods his head and mummer 'it’s a nice offer'. My mother then walks away, leaving the two of us in the kitchen alone. Jordan pulls me to him and places me on his lap where his arms wrap around my waist and his lips are on my neck. After a while, I feel them tracing my jawline. He moves one of his arms and with his hand, he begins to move it up my leg.

    His kisses become a little rougher as he begins to move his hand up and down my arm, kissing me on the shoulder before saying, “Sorry.” It’s so quiet that it takes me a few seconds to realize what he has said. I turn around and my legs are dangling off to the sides of the chair as I let my eyes wander over his face. I'm not sure how to react to that word. Jordan has changed, and I didn’t expect him to say sorry to me, but I didn’t even know what he had to be sorry about. He hadn’t done anything wrong compared to how bad I treated him. I kiss him, gently and softly. As our lips move together, I find it a little harder to breath, staying wrapped up with him. “Scarlett,” he says, breaking away from me. “I mean it. I care about you, but I have been treating you like a bit of dirt.”

    “I deserve it. Can we at least try?” I say, pressing my lips to his, but he doesn’t kiss me back.

    His lips feel warm against mine, but he just pulls away and says, “No.” He pushes me off his body and I stand there looking down at him. He stands up and says to me, “Scarlett, I don’t want a relationship. I don’t want that one person. You really don’t know much about my family. I think Jace is the only one out of us three who will ever be tied down. I don’t want a relationship.” These words hurt more than I thought they would. I didn’t think I would be so upset by having the boy who once loved me telling me I’m just a friend. I don’t know what overcame me when I felt tears streaming down my face. My best friend hit the guy I was falling for, and now he was telling me that he didn’t want that. I take a few steps back and then my back hits the wall behind me. Jordan is following me and he says, “I don’t want you to cry" He pulls me against my body, wrapping his arms around my neck.

    We stay like this for a few minutes, my tears still streaming down my face until he says something that surprises me. “Scarlett, I still have feelings for you, but you screwed me over once and that’s why I am going to keep pushing you away. I don’t let people in anymore. Just understand that you know me better than anyone else. Well, except Jace and Kyle but they're blood. I need time, and I nearly got over you and then well who turns up? You.” I pull away from him slightly and he wipes the tears from my face with his thumb. He takes my hand, dragging me up the stairs into my room.

    We sit on my bed and Jordan doesn’t say anything. He just rests his head on my pillow and puts his arms around me, pulling me against his chest. I’m facing him and this is a first time in a long time that I feel happiness. He still doesn’t say anything, and I watch as his eyes close and he drifts off to sleep. I couldn’t sleep. I don’t know how to switch my mind which was racing out of control. I'm thinking through everything. The emotions that I thought I didn’t have. There was this feeling whichmaybe the love I could feel. The friendship seems to have been gone. The pain I cause so many people. There are the acts of mistrust. That feeling that brought me down. Nothing had ever been perfect for me but I thought that maybe someday that I would get a life that I would be happy with. Maybe in the next life, but that thought alone made my mouth turn up into a smile. Sleep came but I didn’t know how long I waited before my eyes close and I drift off to sleep.

    When morning came around, I was pushed off the bed and my head hit the bedroom floor. I roll over to see my eyes lock with Jace who's grinning. Jordan is still lying on my bed, and his arms are wrapped around my pillow. I look at Jace again and I see him holding out his hand.

    I take it and he pulls me up and says, “Your mom told me to tell you that school is closed so you don’t have to get up.” I hit him on his good side and he smiles a bit, leaving me to glare at him.

    “You wake me up just to tell me I can stay in bed! You are a fucking asshole.” This makes Jordan wake up.

    He looks a little lost like he doesn't know where he is and looks between me and his brother before he says, “Um, where am I?”

    “Hey bro, you’re in Scarlett’s room. You look a little rough.”

    “Yeah well, I don’t like being woken up with people shouting around me. Now what the fucking hell are you doing in here Jace that made the need for shouting?” Jace catches my eye and I wrap my arms around my body so they are tightly crossed against my chest.

    I suddenly feel that the air has gone cold with Jordan’s words and Jace says, “Scarlett got annoyed that I woke her up to tell her that she didn’t need to get up since the school is closed.” Jordan pulls me down to sit next to him and I look up at Jace  who continues, “One the power lines fell over yesterday, so there is no power going to the generator. The principal said that you might as well finish for the holiday as we only have just over a week. Though sport teams still have to train, there is just no lesson, which is fucking fantastic.”

    “Well Jace, just fuck off.” Jace rolls his eyes before leaving the room. Before I notice anything else in the room, Jordan pulls me to him and his lips crash roughly to mine. He was keeping me against his body, so I couldn’t get out of his grip even if I tried. His lips are going against mine with such force that I feel as if I wanted to melt right into his arms. I struggled to breath but I didn’t care because I didn’t want to pull away from this kiss. He places me on the bed and his hand begins to go up my legs while his other hand has found its way under my top. I could feel his warm hands making their attempt to touch every part of my body.

    At this moment in time, I didn’t care if he was going to use me. I’m so caught up in this moment that I just want it to last forever. It’s not long before my top is lying on the floor beside me and Jordan’s lips begin to run down my neckline before they make their way to kiss every bare bit of flesh that is visible. He hasn’t said anything to me in this mixed up mess of confusion and my hands grab his T-shirt and begin to pull it over his head. My hands trace his body and I begin to trace the muscles which weren’t there the other time I've seen him shirtless. His body is a little rock hard as I run my fingers down stomach.

    Its moments of passion and what I know could turn to love in a blink of an eye. Our bodies move together but no words are being said and no awkward exchanges. It seems that we are wrapped in this world that no one would ever come and break us apart. Our lips move together as his hand run over every inch of my body and I feel every part of him. My heart beats faster in my chest as his lips move to kiss my neck, sending pleasure around my body in every shape and form. I don’t know what he is thinking and that's the only thing that bothers me as we lay on my bed kissing and having sex. I could feel him in me as he moved up and down in a rhythm; our lips kissing in time to his movements.

    He leaves me breathless; my body is covered with a layer of sweat, and his arm wrap around me, pulling me close to him. He still doesn’t say anything and I know he’s fallen asleep long before me. His arms stay wrapped around me, and his head is on my shoulder. I hear him breathe in and out in my ear in a relaxing rhythm that leaves me sleepy. I close my eyes and soon enough, I fall into dream world.

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