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Remus watched with wide eyes as Hermione hand shakily reached for the cup of water. He was immediately at her side, propping the pillows up behind her in the bed so that she could sit up and take a sip.

Her face was pale and drawn, so much so that it made her brown eyes seem almost black in contrast. She handed the cup back to Remus after drinking a small amount, and sank back down into the yielding surface of the bed.

"You don't have to stay," she said to Remus in a quiet voice as she closed her eyes.

"I know that I should probably get back to the others, but I want to stay here with you."

He reached just slightly under the sheets, seeking out her hand with his.

"You looked after me when I wasn't well, and I want to return the favour."

Hermione smiled, letting out a small sigh of contentment through her slightly opened lips. She could feel her body relax as Remus' other arm rested just above her head so that he could run his fingers through her curls. The fingers of his first hand remained firmly locked around her fingers as his thumb made gentle circles across the top of the hand which he held.

A brisk clacking sound could be heard before the dividers shielding their privacy were pulled apart to reveal Madam Pomfrey. She looked ready to attack any person who had dared set foot near her patient, but her face immediately softened when she saw that it was Remus. It took on an expression of what Remus could only describe as pity when she spoke to him.

"Mr Lupin, I will have to ask you to leave for a few moments. Professor Dumbledore would like to speak with Hermione."

Hearing this, Hermione opened her eyes and propped herself up against the pillows once more.

"Remus can stay," she said to Madam Pomfrey as she tightened her grip on his hand.

Shaking her head slightly, she moved to the side so that the dignified form of Professor Dumbledore would be able to pass.

"Hello Miss Granger, Mr Lupin," Dumbledore said as he inclined his head towards them slightly. "I believe that you wished to speak to me."

Hermione nodded her head with fervour, a burst of energy having pervaded her body when she saw the Headmaster. She would finally be able to speak about what happened.

"Yes, well, Remus may have to fill in some of the gaps, because I'm not entirely sure of what happened. All I know is that I remember something. That is, I remember a spell..."

"A spell?" inquired Dumbledore, his snowy eyebrows almost disappearing up towards his silver hairline.

"Yes, the spell that was used to err... bring me here," she said, still not wanting Remus to find out that she had been brought here from what was technically the future.

Dumbledore seemed to understand what she was insinuating, because he pressed no further on this, only asking what the spell was.

"It sounded like tempus narrabo"

"And that is all you remember?" Dumbledore pushed on.

"Yes... unfortunately I don't see any faces, or any other clues that might give away a bit more information. I still don't even know who did it, but the voice did sound rather raspy and masculine," replied Hermione with what sounded to Remus like a defeated tone.

Dumbledore sighed, rubbing his hand through his beard several times.

"Do you remember what you were doing before this? Were there any events which precipitated these sudden recollections?"

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