Chapter 3

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As the sound of a harp wakes me I reach over to my phone shutting off the alarm. I knew another day has started except I wasn't use to waking up to grey skies with ice and moisture. But as I get up putting on a white lace shirt with black pants and white flats I wasn't really excited because its just another high school it's not like a saint! But hey maybe I'll have an adventure here I head down to the kitchen where my mother and father were. Morning Anastasia they greeted hello I say grabbing a plum from the fruit bowl bye I tell them heading to the garage. Your leaving already well have a good day at school she shouts I stop at the front of my car, I love my car it kind of look like a car made for James Bond or any other action movie. I finally move out the drive way noticing our neighbors kids but I didn't see they're faces just some strands of hair as they got in their cars. But I noticed they were going the same way, what is this the only school in town I asked myself. As I pull up to the school parking lot I noticed most of the kids had cars from the 80s or older compared to them my car looked like a millionaires car. I park five cars down from "the neighbors kids" as I got out the car walking up to the school I suddenly felt watched I looked over my shoulder to see the Neighbor's kids staring at me like I'm a fantasy. They're probably staring because of my hair a sudden gust of wind blows some strands and they're face seem to get intense. But they looked like models or people from the 1700s or statues , their facial features seemed so perfect. They had pale skin, dark eyes that chilled you, they're hair was perfect too there were two golden blondes, two brunettes, and one bronze. Who's hair was going every which way, they also have purple circles under their eyes like they haven't slept in years. So I went up to the front office, how may I help you says the women I'm new here I tell her shyly oh right your Anastasia Mellor I nod do you have an accent yes I'm from Russia and kahzakhstan oh well welcome to America, she grinned I've been here for 4 years I reply umm here's your schedule and locker combination she said uncomfortably, I think I made the women embarrassed.

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