Chapter 17

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I couldn't believe it my older brothers were home, I missed these twins! I exclaimed squeezing them tight and close to me. We missed you too! They're voices strained, I finally let them go "where's mom and dad?" They both asked at the same time "dad is taking a nap from his early delivery and I don't know where mom is" I told them with a smile from ear to ear. They both quickly grabbed their duffle bags and raced each other to the door. As I walked after them I realized I forgot about the Cullens I looked over my shoulder at their house and saw a curtain from one of the windows move as if they were watching me. I  squinted at the window wondering why would they spy on me. maybe I'm just seeing things I told myself, mom and dad screamed when they saw my brothers just like I did "hey, what happened to your hand?" asked my brother Liam "oh, before you came I hurt my hand on glass when I was out jogging." I admitted " who put the bandage on it?" asked my other brother Lucas rubbing his hand into my hair messing it up. 

"The cullen family, they live next door" I told him trying to fix my hair. "we should let you two meet them sometime this week" my mom directed to them as they talked some more jess texted me "hey, let's go to port angeles tomorrow." ok I replied 

That night I had a another dream about Jasper, but this time I dreamt he was in my bedroom with me, watching me he came over to me and started to brush his hand against my cheek suddenly it didn't feel like a dream anymore. I woke up seeing him sitting on my bedside and staring at me, I turned on my lamp and there was no one. It was 3:00 in the morning and I decided to go on a Early morning drive just to feel alive, you know get away from reality for awhile. My parents used to do these things in Russia when I was little and energetic, As I started to drive I came up to a cliff where people go cliff jumping I think my dad told me Jacob does this sometimes. I got out the car to look at the night view of the lake until suddenly I felt stared at from a distance something ran past me as fast as a light. The shadow came and knocked me down I screamed it got onto me and whispered in my ear "This is going to be really painful, but quick" I screamed again he hit me in the face his grip was too strong to break from. His skin was ice cold when he held me down just as I felt his breath linger on to my neck, something came and knocked him off of me the two shadows I can tell were both men they fought like animals. when I got up the ground I was dizzy probably from when he knocked me on the ground with all his strength I stood up and fell in the middle of the street just as a eighteen wheeler was coming it started to slide on the icy road the shadow that knocked him down jumped in front of me and then stopped the eighteen wheeler with his bare hands. I thought I was seeing things because in the headlights of the truck it was Jasper who stopped the eighteen wheeler leaving a huge dent in the side of the truck and almost crushing me.

Next thing I know the shadow who tried to kill me is gone and Jasper was too. Suddenly I was surronded by paramedics, I didn't know I was bleeding until they came and helped me, everything seemed like a quick blur before my eyes like whiplash. When everything was coming back to me I found myself staring at a plain white wall sitting hunched over on a hospital bed, a nurse's face came into my vision she put her flashlight on my eyes looking at my pupils. "How's the patient!" exclaimed a familiar voice walking into the hospital room, my eyes looked up to see Carlisle "how are you feeling?" he asked "I don't know... I think I'm ok?" I said unsure snapping out of my daze "oh yeah, well you almost got crushed by an eighteen wheeler earlier" he said to me looking at his clipboard I touched my forehead and noticed I had a bandage wrapped around my head including a bandaid on my right cheekbone. My parents rushed in panicking, "relax, she's alright." Carlisle quickly calmed them down "what do we do?!" My mother asked with her strong Russian accent overcoming her normal voice "Have her stay at home for a few days and keep a good eye on her, also make sure she drinks a lot of fluids and healthy foods. she also needs much sleep especially from an event like this" he directed 

"I need to go for a walk " I said getting up to walk down the hall but before I could turn the corner I heard Jasper, Rosalie and Edward talking.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2015 ⏰

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