Chapter XXIV: Seed (Part 2)

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Since I haven't done this in a while hers a disclaimer.



Chapter XXIV: Seed (Part 2)

My heart beat in my chest like a thousand humming birds. Daryl had refused to let me go with them, and now they were gone.

"Can you see them," Carol asked.

"Back there," Lori replied holding her stomach. She breathed in slowly. She was close now, too close. The stress enough could cause her water to break.

Bile rose in my throat and I doubled over to throw up.

"Lillie," Jacob said patting me on the back. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine, it's just nerves," I said trying to convince myself. "Lori," I said and she walked over helping me to my feet. She led me down the hill to our small campsite, and I doubled over again, this time more came up.

"How do u do it," I asked. She looked down at me in confusion.

"Do what," she asked.

"Live day to day knowing that at any moment that baby could die, and it destroy you," I asked the tears welling in my eyes.

"I just do, it's something worth fighting for," she replied wiping her eyes and patting me on the back.

"Do you remember Lizzy," I asked.

She looked at me confused, "Mrs. Avers Carl's history teacher."

"Yeah, I had a dream about her last night, about how we'd gotten in an argument about how she was having an affair with Mr. Lyle, Ginny's husband."

"You never told me that," she said.

"We had a big argument about it and I said some things that I shouldn't have, and when I woke up I forgot you know, about how everyone's gone." I paused and she looked at me.

"I woke up and I said I'm sorry and I turned around and I almost called out to her and then.....then I remembered. I remembered how she's dead, and all those parents are dead. All those people from school, and the P.A. meetings, and the people I passed in the grocery store." I was balling big tears falling from my eyes, blocking my vision of her. "And those kids.....and I wander if this life, this constant running, and living in fear, is worth it."

"Yes it is," she said her voice suddenly becoming harsh. "Now you look at me Lillie Grace Carver Dixon," the way she used my full name making herself sound harsh, "You have everything to live for, you have Noah, Jacob, Daryl and Me. Now your gonna dry those tears and your gonna suck it up because we're gonna beat this world together."

I wiped my eyes and nodded. She helped me to my feet.

"Hey," Daryl called out coming down the field towards me. Lori walked off. "You okay," his face was full of concern.

"Yeah it's just nerves," I replied. He came right up to me and looked me in the eyes. "I was afraid I'd lose you."

"I'm fine yah know that." I leaned up and kissed him and he ran his hands through my hair. "Last night was fun," he said.

"I don't know about you but I don't think you were trying," I said teasingly. He scrunched his nose at me and I laughed out loud. "Don't worry I'm just joking."

"Yeah whatever," he said turning around and stomping away.

"Daryl don't be mad," I said pulling him back to me, "come on let's follow the others. He put his arm around me and brought me into a sideways hug.

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