Chapter VI: Miles Behind Us (Part 2)

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Chapter VI: Miles Behind Us (Part 2)

When I woke we were already moving. I had fallen asleep against the window and as I sat up I felt my neck pop and I groaned.

"Shh," Lori said pointing to the sleeping children.

"How long have we been moving," I whispered looking out the window.

"About an hour," she replied.

Carol was making breakfast. Andrea was reading a book on the small couch behind us. The kids where all still asleep on the floor. T-Dog lay in the back on the small bed and Rick and Dale sat at the front of the RV eyes focused on the road. Shane sat on the floor glaring at them.

I looked out the window and craned my head so I could see the back of the RV. I was unfortunately unable to see my target.

"You know I don't approve," Lori said to me.

I knew her well enough to know it wasn't a conversation starter and nothing more was said.

I was mad at her. Who was she to tell me who to like and who not to like. We sat in silence until the children woke and the new day had started.


We drove all day until the sun was going down again and we stopped to rest.

"Shane and I are going hunting," Rick said when we had all piled out of the camper.

I walked over to Merle's now Daryl's motorcycle. His back was turned to me digging through his bags and I put my hand on his back.

He jumped a little and drew his knife and turned to me. When he realized it was me and not a member of the undead he lowered his hand. "Sorry," he replied. I hugged him. I could tell he was not expecting it but he hugged me back a couple of seconds later.

"I was worried about you," I said.

"You were," he asked smirking at me.

"I'm not use to this I've never had a boyfriend I've never you know," I said blushing.

I wasn't ashamed of my virginity, but I was embarrassed to admit it to Daryl for some reason.

"I.....I," was all he said his voice shaky.

We were interrupted by Rick asking me to join them in hunting. Daryl nodded when I looked to him. His face beat red.


We had been walking for hours and had managed to get several squirrels, but it would only feed us for a few days. We were badly in need of food and we'd have to look for towns near bye.

"This is all your fault you know," Shane said to Rick as we were walking back.

"What," Rick asked horrified.

I cowered back in the background fearing the fight that was about too take place. "Before you came back everything was perfect," Shane replied back to him.

His eyes were full of rage just like they had that night in the woods, a couple days ago. I suddenly feared for Ricks life when Shane drew his shotgun up to his face.

"Shane please think about this, your losing it.

"No I lost it the day I fell in love with her. Everything was perfect. I was protecting her and Carl. They were safe. You were dead you weren't suppose to come back. We were all better off when you were dead," Shane spit back tears flowing down his face.

Rick hit Shane and the fell to the ground. Shane then hit Rick in the face causing him to spit blood. Shane stood up and picked up his shotgun then pointed it at Rick.

"Shane please don't do this," I said pleading with him.

"I have to, I have to do this. I'm sorry Rick," Shane replied. A shot rang out and the world grew quite and except for the sound of Shane's body hitting the ground.

"Don't hurt my daddy again," Carl said to the dying Shane.

I cried out, and fell to the ground next to him. I cried and Rick held me. Carl stood in front of us, tears streaming down his face.

"He's gone," Rick said to me. And just like that the world had changed again. This time forever.


Ok so what do you guys think? Questions? Comments? And what do you guys think of me making Lillie Daryl's first love? Norman Reedus stated that he was playing Daryl as a virgin and to be honest I feel like that fits him best! I believe that Daryl has no idea how attractive he is and has very bad self asteam so that is how I'm writing him. LOVE YOU GUYS :)!!!

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