Chapter II: Guts

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Chapter II: Guts

"Come on Lillie you can do this," I said silently to myself.

I stood up from my seat on the steps of the RV an made my way over to the solitary tent on the other side of camp. I was suddenly overcome with nervousness and I felt as though I was going to throw up but I continued walking. When I reached the tent I stood outside it for several minutes debating if I should go through with it or not. I was about to call out his name when exited his tent slamming right into me. I fell backwards bringing him with me and I fell on the hard gravel ground and he landed on top of me. I looked up into his deep blue eyes and he looked down into my light grey ones.

"Um sorry I didn't mea..." I started to say but he cut me off. "What's the matter with you, you got two left feet or somethin," he spit at me before lifting himself up and walking into the woods without bothering to helping me up.

I watched him go speechless. I had come to thank him for my other accident yesterday but that had been a disaster. I was overcome with rage at his comment and felt my face flush with embarrassment when I realized that I was being watched. Ed stood leaning against the camper smoking and paying to much attention to myself.

"What's his problem," I thought.

The look of lust in his eyes didn't escape my attention and I looked down to my shirt. It had ridden up to just below my breasts and showed of my tanned belly. I had never been thin and I never would be, I was a little insecure about it. I wasn't fat, more like fluffy and I'd never felt the need to flaunt my God given assets for the sake of flaunting them. Some girls longed to receive those lusty looks that Ed was giving off, but in truth it only made me sick at the thought. I quickly pulled my shirt down and lifted myself off the ground. Daryl Dixon was an ass and I hoped he got eaten in the woods.


She was beautiful, gorgeous even. He stared at her from my position behind the trees and watched her walk across the camp. She was perhaps the prettiest women Daryl had even had the pleasure of meeting, but there was an air about her that told him she had no idea how beautiful she was. Back in his town girls like her, never bothered with guys like him. They were to good. He wasn't worth it. Like Merle had told him time and time again, "The only one who will ever love you little brother is me and don't you forget it."

He saw Ed starring at her from across camp, with the lustful eyes and he was suddenly filled with the worst rage he had ever felt. He fought back the urge to beat his face in, but she wasn't his girl. She wasn't his problem no matter how good she looked. He pushed away those feelings he felt when he had held her in his arms at there first meeting and the look in her eyes when he fell on top of her. He pushed away that hope of her ever liking him, and he pushed away the anger towards Ed. Then turned and walked into the woods leaving it all behind.


I say in the camper going through me and Jacobs cloths with. There wasn't much to go through and every piece was filthy I needed to wash them. I picked up a small hamper and shoveled all our stuff into it and exited the camper.

"Hey Lori I'm gonna go wash these cloths can you watch Jacob for me," I asked her.

Jacob sat with Carl and Sofia working from his schoolbooks. Carol had homeschooled Sofia so she knew what she was doing and I praised her for helping making the kids learn. I knew it wasn't useful now a days but it was something to keep there minds off of the new world of horror that slapped them in the face every morning.

"Sure," she replied with a smile and sat down next to Carl on the picnic table where all the kids were studying.

I made the long journey down the slope to the lake and sat myself down on the rock ground. I pulled out my favorite pair of skinny jeans first and started doing my laundry. I hummed while I worked and completely forgot the world around me. After a couple of hours I was about finished and I realized how hot it was. I stunk till high heaven and I made my way around till I was far enough so I would be safe from prying eyes and started to remove my shirt. I got halfway off before I was grabbed from behind.

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