Chapter V: Wildfire (Part 2)

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Chapter V: Wildfire (Part 2)

Gosh I've actually gotten to six chapters six whole chapters. Ah it feels good to see that so many people have read it all ready. Are there any Questions? Comments? I'd really love to hear your feedback on my simple story!


Daryl held me in his arms for several hours. It didn't feel real to be this close. For him to love me back.

"Do you love me," I asked him.

He let me go and stepped back. He turned around and headed back to camp slinging his crossbow over his shoulder.

"Stop," I yelled at him.

He turned around and looked at me. There was something in his eyes something I had never seen, fear.

"I don't know," he said and turned around again leaving me for good this time.

T turned around in the opposite direction into the woods. As I walked I forgot about everything and I let down my guard. I walked for hours in circles, crying and thinking about how much I hated myself. I did this. Every time me and Daryl got close I ruined it by pushing. Pushing with this insane idea that maybe just maybe he'd fallen in love with me on site.

I was so caught up in my thoughts I didn't even realize it was behind me until it growled. I turned to see a walker, who had at one time probably been a wealthy business women by the looks of her expansive attire.

I pulled my axe out from where it was placed on my back and slammed it into her forehead. Blood and brain matter splattered Daryl's already filthy shirt.

Another one a teenage boy came up from behind where the other had been standing and I decapitated him. I slung the axe back and slammed it into its gnawing teeth.

"Look at you go," a familiar voice said from behind me.

I turned to see Shane standing there his face full of sarcasm and something else I couldn't place, a look of lust that was so unlike him.

"Have you been following me," I asked?

"No just concerned," he replied."

I turned around and walked In the general direction of camp. "I saw you with Dixon back there." "I stopped in my tracks and turned to him.

"Yeah so what's it to yah," I replied smirking at him.

"You just deserve someone better," he replied pushing me up against a tree.

I was terrified that look of lust and general nuisance was replaced with rage. His eyes bore into mine. It was the same anger I had seen the other day when he'd beat it Ed's face.

"The Dixon's are dangerous and they don't belong here," he yelled at me," stay away from Daryl." I was a command not suggestion. I wanted to fight back but I couldn't I could only stand there until he left me to cry in the dark by myself.


When I got back to camp everything was quite. To quite. I walked to the camper and was about to open the door when I could hear footsteps behind me.

"I love you," Daryl said looking at me in the moonlight.

I was too shocked to reply and he walked away from me back to his tent. It was to much and I sank to the ground leaning up against the camper.

I thought back to my life before this. The anger that had kept me away from anyone but Jacob. I had never had a boyfriend, never been interested. I never had friends either they did nothing for me, all I had ever done was make sure Jacob had the perfect life.

I was far from perfect but I was bound and determined to give him the childhood I never had. Sure at some points I'd never be enough for him. He'd have nobody to talk to when he got older, when he hit puberty.

I had learned all those things from books and school, but I didn't have the slightest clue how to talk to Jacob about it.

Why was even thinking about this?

I needed to sleep, and sleep I would. I slept until I couldn't sleep anymore and when the dawn woke in the next morning Daryl was gone. Not for good, but I felt for some reason relieved and not having to speak to him.

I wasn't ready for this. I wasn't ready to be with Daryl.

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