Chapter VII: What Lies Ahead

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Chapter VII: What Lies Ahead

We buried Shane in a shallow grave and no one spoke. No one cried, no one said and last words. Somehow we had all excepted it, and there was nothing to cry about. I placed Shane's hat on the make shift cross as the rest headed back to the RV.

The wind whistled and I felt the cold chill of winter creeping up my back.

"You were a good man Shane you didn't have to do this, and I'm not going to cry over your choice," I said to the grave.

I walked away from it leaving my memories of him behind. When I reached the camper the sudden thought of being in that smelly cramped space almost made me gag so I walked to the back of the camper towards Daryl.

He looked up from where I was sitting and looked me over. "Ya alright," he asked in the sexiest southern accent I had ever heard.

"Yeah I just don't want to ride in the camper anymore," I replied to him getting on behind him.

He looked at me like he was going to argue but I wasn't in the mood and he saw that. He grunted and started his bike pulling out in front of the camper. I nodded at Rick and he nodded back.

I could feel Lori's look of disappointment burning through the back of my head. I ignored it. She had lost the right to tell me what to do.

I put my arms around his chest and hugged him tight as we drove off into the sunrise.


When it became dark we hit a road block and the men piled out of the camper to move the cars off the road.

"Rick look," Dale said pointing to the walkers come into focus.

"Alright guys make sure you don't get surrounded," Rick said drawing his gun.

"Hold your fire," the one in the front said.They were human. Seven of them in fact.

"Man we could have killed you," Rick said.

Daryl walked back over to his bike and stood protectively in front of me. He lowered his crossbow but still kept it in hand for any sign of trouble.

"Can we trust them," I whispered to him.

"Hard to tell," he replied. I shivered at the cold air.

"You cold," he asked eying me. I nodded. He took off his sweater and put it on me, and I pulled my hands through the opening and zipped it up over my blue tank top.

"We need to find a town soon," I said to him,"We need warmer cloths." He nodded.

"Guys this is Tyreese, and his daughter Julie and her boyfriend Chris," Rick said pointing to the man standing next to him and the boy and girl.

"And my names Allen," the other man said shaking Daryl's hand, "and this is my wife Donna and our two boys Billy and Ben."

They all seemed nice enough but I was still untrustworthy and so was Daryl I could see it in stance.

"Come on guys Ill show you the RV and let you meet the others," Rick said.

It was good to see knew faces but I dreaded sleeping tonight. The camper was already as crowded as it could get.


Somehow we had managed to get everybody into the camper for a good nights sleep and I slept on the couch.

When I woke the next morning Daryl had his arm around me and his face buried in my hair. He was snoring and it was oddly peaceful and I felt happy for the first time in a long time.

After a while I moved so that I could reach down and run my hair through Jacobs hair. Lori had cut it for me and I realized how much I had neglected him in the recent days.

"Good morning," Daryl whispered in my ear.

"Good morning I whispered back to him," and turned around to face him placing my hand on his chest. "Can we talk know?"

"About what," Daryl asked kissing my forehead. This sent shivers down my spine.

"About us," I replied.

"Oh that," he said smirking. He placed his hand under my chin and brought my face up to look at him. He leaned and kissed me softly. "I love you."

"You do," I asked blushing.

"Yeah, but I'm just not good with showing mah feelings with the other people," he replied.

"Neither am I," I replied,"We'll learn together."

"You wanna have sex," Daryl asked sarcastically.

"What's Segs," Jacob asked staring at us.

"Does that answer your question?"


Some of the men had hot wired a car and gone scouting for a place to hold up for a couple of days, and Rick and Carl went hunting. So the women stayed behind to watch the kids. Dale, and T-Dog stayed to protect us.

I played cards with Jacob and Sofia while Carol did repair jobs on the worst of our clothes. Andrea was on the roof with Dale and Julie and Chris sat in the back talking to themselves in hushed tones.

"Carl says that your dating Mr. Daryl," Jacob asked.

"Yes I am," I replied to him.

"Can he be my dad," He asked me curious. I smiled at this. The idea of Daryl being a daddy made me happy. But he wasn't ready for that.

"Maybe your real dad will come back," Sophia said to him.

"My dads dead," he replied his voice unwavering. I had told him this for as long as he could remember and it was all he was use to.

"Yeah so was mine," she said," and Carl's was to but he came back."

Suddenly there was nocking on the camper door. And Carol opened it. Before us stood a young girl about my age who was staring at us in fright.

"Lori, Lori Grimes," she asked Carol.

"I'm Lori," Lori said to the girl.

"You have to come with me, Carl's been shot.

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