Chapter III: Tell it to the Frogs

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Chapter III: Tell it to the Frogs

When I woke the next morning it was late, real late. I had slept in again and the sun was already high in the sky. There was no way of telling time anymore but I guessed it to be around 1. I stood up from my little mat made of a couple of sheets and a pillow, on the camper floor, and picked through the cereals on the counter till I found what I liked. There was no milk so I simply eat it from the box and exited the RV. Jacob ran up to me from the place around the campfire where he sat next to Carl. Lori was cutting his hair and Shane sat across from him.

"Lillie, Lillie Shane's gonna take me to catch frogs and where gonna make you eat em," he said giving me a toothy grin.

"Ew, I don't think so," I replied running my had through his hair. "My thoughts exactly," Lori laughed at my comment. "Oh come on lady's When you get down to that last can of beans, you're gonna be loving those frog legs. I can see it now... do you think I could have a second helping, please? Please? Just one?" Shane replied imitating Lori. "I still don't think so," I said sitting down next to Shane. "Don't listen to them, guys. We'll be heroes. We'll feed these folks Cajun-style Kermit legs," he said giving Jacob a pat on the head and giving me a smirk. "I would rather eat Miss piggy. Yes, that came out wrong," Lori said.

Our conversation was cut short by the sound of a car horn piercing the quite of the valley.

"Tell me what do we got Dale," Shane yelled up to the old man. "A stolen car I think," Dale replied.

Then red car came to a stop in front of the RV and Glenn got out of the front seat. Shane yelled at him but I could hear what he was saying.

"Its, fine," Glenn said. "What were you thinking," Shane said. "I got a cool car," Glenn replied innocently.

Dale continued the conversation about how he was sure that we were safe because the sound had echoed. I turned around to walk towards the camper and Amy rushed past me asking Glenn about her sister. The cub vane the gang had taken pulled up behind the red car and Amy ran into her sisters arms. Morales came next and went to his family. Lori who had been standing next to me took Carl a ways back to talk to him. Morales's happy family reunion had shaken him. Then suddenly Carl ran past me. I couldn't believe it! My heart almost stopped seeing him stand there it was like the past had caught up in the present. Like he'd come back from the dead. Rick Grimes stood next to the cub van in complete shock, his face white with relief.

"Daddy," Carl screamed and ran down to run into his arms.

Lori rushed to his side and he took her in his arms. Jacob ran up to me and I picked him hugging him tightly.

"Rick," I said. He turned around to stare at me.

Me and Jacob hugged him and his family. Rick laughed."I can't believe you guys are here," he said to all of us. "It's a miracle," Lori said tears streaming down her eyes.


Rick told his story. It was like most of ours except for the coma. I couldn't imagine waking up in the middle of all this shit. It would be like a never ending nightmare you never wake up from. Rick was strong I couldn't have done not this, but he had and he's found us. If there really was a God he was shinning down on us.

"Has anyone givin any thought to Daryl Dixon?"

Merle had been left behind in Atlanta chained to a roof. The thought of anybody even the likes of Merle Dixon should come to such a horrible ending was really truly sad and I felt for him. I was suddenly scared of Daryl's temper and the pain he would feel when he learned of his brothers demise. Daryl had been out hunting all day and we where unsure of when he would return.

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