"Hey babygirl." I heard a voice say as they gripped my waist.

I looked up to see Sammy looking down at me.

"what do you want Sammy?" I asked rolling my eyes.

I glanced over at Jovana to see her trying to contain her laughter.

"You." He spoke before he was being ripped away from me.

"Um didn't I tell you to stay away from my boyfriend?" The petite brunette from yesterday said.

"Actually he approached me." I said while rolling my eyes.

I honestly have no idea were Jovana is, maybe she went to class.

"Stop lying, I did not come up to you." He emphasized.

"Okay Sammy," I said while rolling my eyes.

"Didn't you fucking learn your lesson yesterday bitch?" She bitched.

"No. I didn't because your the one with the black eye, not me." I smirked before walking away.

"You bitch." She squealed as she plunged towards me but Sam held her back.

"Maggie chill." He laughed.
(Yes Maggie lindemann)

I looked at the clock seeing that I had 2 minutes left.

I started making my way to class with my head down, trying to avoid making eye contact with anyone.

"Why are you not dead yet." I heard someone say behind me.

I turned around to be faced with Andrea russet. She hates me, so much and I don't understand why I've always adored her.

"Because God wanted me to be alive tf?" I snapped back at her.

She clenched her jaw and looked at me with hate filled in her eyes.

"Okay well everyone in the whole school hate's you. So why don't you do us all a favor and kill you self already? Your own mother doesn't even like you and you know that." She spoke harshly.

I looked down and broke eye contact because she was right, my mom doesn't love me. She used to tell me what a pathetic waste of life I was.

"That was when she was a drunk." I yelled back as a tear slipped from my eye.

"Drunk words, are sober thoughts." She smirked before walking off.

What hurt, was that jack had her in his arms and he didn't even say anything.

I knew that what Andrea had said was right though. My mom does hate me, she never liked me. Andrea knows this because our moms are friends. We were too at one point, but then she just started hating me.

I wiped away the tear in my eye and quickly made it to my class.

As we were taking notes a crumbled piece of paper had been thrown to the back of my head. I picked it up and slowly unraveled it. It read

"you worthless piece of trash. Go die in a fucking ditch. Nobody likes you so just go away." Tears brimmed my eyes but I immediately wiped them away.

"ha. Funny." I fakely smiled and threw the piece of paper back at them, acting as if it didn't phase me.

I started to tap my pen on my desk, anticipating for this class to be over. Who listens to geometry anyways?

Once the class was over I grabbed all my things and shoved it into my bag. Trying desperately to exit this class.

I quickly made my way to my locker and shoved all my geometry books into it.

"Hmm wonder why jack didn't show up in class today?" I mumbled to myself as I grabbed all the books needed for my second class.

I started walking to my next class when I saw Jack making out with Andrea in a isolated corner.

A wave of anger and jealousy rushed over me.

That's why he didn't come to class, he was too busy being a fuckboy.

Lots of mistakes, unedited 😁

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