Transylvanian Horror Show (part 2)

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A/N: You might wanna read the warning from the first part of the this chapter!

Last time on Total Drama Worldwide Encounter. The teams go to spooky Transylvania for their next challenge. All they need to do is find their newbies and get out of the hunted hotel. Easy, right? Well, they encounter chupacabras, a banshee, and their friends being killed by nightmares. So it isn't as easy as it was suppose to. "Was" being the keyword. Now that Lucy is dead, it proofs that their lives are on the line. And that there's no telling what will happen next. Will they survive the fears? Or will Dolly take them out one by one?

~No one's POV~
-Time Skip: After Dolly's intercom-
*Everyone is frozen in fear. The ones that fainted wake up. They now know that this is all not a trick from Chris. They can't move, on the inside they're freaking out. Until someone screams*
*Everybody runs out of the stage screaming, terrified, freaking out, and some peed in their pants. They all run in different directions. one's safe from Dolly*
*The camera switches to a hall. At the end of the hall there's a girl with a pink, puffed, doll like dress. With white ruffles, a blue bow on the left side of her waist and wearing thigh high white socks with black doll shoes. She wearing a porcelain doll mask on her face. Next to her is a boy wearing a long sleeved white button up shirt, blue jeans and black shoes, covered in a few blood splatters. Also wearing a mask with a bloody smile and black eyes. (Sounds familiar; the mask)*
Girl: "Ready to make a few people go to sleep with nightmares, Mister Smiles?"
Mr. Smiles: "Of course...Dolly."
Dolly: "Let's have some fun."
*She walks straight a long the hallway with an ax on her hand. Along with Mr. Smiles, with a knife on his left hand*

-Time Skip: 3:09 a.m.-(For now. Nothing is sure about the rest)
*Camera switches to all the newbies(trapped in their fear) freaking out, except for Alex. Where the hell is Alex!?*
James: Camera room
James: "PLEASE GET ME OUT OF HERE!!!" *Cameras switch, showing his friends and foes running in fear, the FNAF characters in front of the camera*
Jace: Basement
*Jace is tied up to a chair that is on top of a conveyer belt. The conveyer belt starts to move. Sense the basement is really big, on the other side of it there's giant block going up and down like some sort of...oh wait*
Camille and Lotus: Not frozen meat locker
*Both girls are tied up and blindfolded. Only smelling death and oxidized blood from the routing meat and feeling blood drops in their skin. They're struggling to break free from the ropes that tied them. Fear and horror felling there minds*
Lotus: *Loud sobs. Very, loud sobs*
Siph: Pest Control room
*Siph is on the floor, not freaking out. He was suppose to be awake like Mely, but sense Chef shot him to many tranquilizer darts, his unconscious. He's now starting to wake up*
Siph: "Huh...? What...?" *He looks to his left and see all the bugs. He isn't scared just disgusted. Until, out of nowhere, scarabs started to eat the bugs and come close to him. He starts to freak out* "Uhhhh,...Heeeelp!!"
Angel: Indoor swimming pool
*She's in a glass cage, underwater, surrounded by wolffish. She's breathing heavily and freaks out in her mind*
Angel: *Underwater noise* "HELP! SOMEONE GET ME OUT OF HERE!" *Pounding the glass*
Dingo: Kitchen
*He's chained to the stove by he's foot. And knifes come out of nowhere, trying to hit Dingo*
Dingo: "WHAT THE F***!?"
Snow: Meeting room
*She's crying on the floor and trying not to freak out. Her face is covered with the handkerchief, she's holding her knees and there's a ghost girl without an eye right in front of her*
Snow: *Trans.: "Please get me out of here. ~sniff~ Please!"*
*The room starts to vibrate and Snow freaks out. Pieces of the wood come down from the ceiling*

~Trent's POV~
*I'm running. I'm scared, terrified, I don't know what to do right now. I split away from the group I was. I'm not saying team sense the girls weren't on my team anyway. I'm on the top floor. I stop and take a breather*
Trent: "~Pants~ I think I'm safe ~pants~"
*I put a hand on the wall and before I knew it...the wall flips and I slide down. The slide is covered in cobwebs, dust, and rust*

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