Ama-ZON-ing Adventure(Real)

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Chris: "Last time on Total Drama Worldwide Encounter. Brazil plus Soccer equals Challenge, for each competitor had to do a one-on-one soccer game. But in the end, Everest won and Survivor lost. Sadie and Izzy's jet needed to take of and Katie's flight to BFFFL just got cancelled. Also, another person, and by that I mean Dave, now knows about "Luis" being a girl. Will Everest keep winning? Is "Luis" ever gonna tell the truth that she's actually a girl? Or Alex will solve it? Find out on this all new episode of Total. Drama. Worldwide Encounter!"

~Team Everest's p.o.v.~
*Still in the hotel*
Katie: *A lot of whining* "Why ~sniff~ did Sadie ~sniff~ get ~sniff~ voted off?!?! HAAAH! *Even more whining*
Angel: *Covering her ears* "I swear, if she starts to cry in our next destination,  I'm gonna lose it!"
Dawn: *With Katie* "It's okay Katie. You and Sadie are best friends no matter what happens, plus remember in total drama island? You two survived being apart, in this season you can do it again. Also I bet Sadie really misses you too."
Gwen: "She's right. Don't worry, Katie."
Katie: "Okay." *Whipping of her tears* "Your right."

Angel: "Finally! One more single whine, and everything was gonna go south!"
~End of Confessionals~

"Luis": "Where do you think we're going?"
Mike: "I don't know. But for now, we can just relax."
Rei: "Well I'm not relax." *She takes a deep breath*

~Team Survivor's POV~
Heather: "Great, just great. Another lost, three team mates voted off and we still have miss Geek with a broken nose."
Mely: "Well it wasn't her fault that Rei kicked the ball to her face."
Jace: "And plus we voted off Sadie and Izzy is because Katie was a distraction for Sadie and Izzy was well...Izzy. I huge nut-job."
Natasha: "Da. And ze reason ve keep losing is because ve're not like zem."
(Bad grammar? That's how a Russian accent is like)
Lotus: "You need respect people. Everybody makes mistakes."
Amy: "When are you ever gonna know that the world can be great and it can be cruel. If you don't like this team, then we can just vote you off, got that?"
*Natasha gives her a glare*
Natasha. "Da."
Lotus: "Thīka hai." *Translation: "Alright."*
Camille: "Wei." *Translation: "Yes."*
Snow: "Hai." *Translation: "Yes. "
Mely: "Fine."
Jace: "Whatever twineader."
Amy: "What?"
Jace: "Twin cheerleader."
*Siph just nods*
Chris(from an intercome): "Attention everyone! Meet me outside the hotel for a special announcement!"

*Everybody arrives outside the hotel*
Chris: "Okay. All newbies are gonna stay in the hotel for four days and the old competitors will be coming with me to our next destination."
Anne Maria: "And why do the newbies need to stay hear?"
Chris: "Because for our next challenge we're going to the AMAZON!!"
Gwen, Courtney, Cody, Sierra and Heather: "WHAT!?!?"
Chris: "That's right. So newbies need to stay hear to prepare for the challenge, while you guys come with me and travel there."
James: "Okay but why only four days hear? Won't it takes us longer to get there if there's no plane to the Amazon?"
Chris: "Yep. That's way you newbies will be going to travel by helicopter."

James: "I'm gonna pack up a first aid kit, clothes, water, and matches. And if I die in this challenge...My will."
~End of Confessionals~

-Team Survivor-
*Snow's nose isn't bleeding*
Beth: "I'm gonna mis you, Snow."
Snow: "Hey it's okay. Just give me your phone number and I will call you or text you."
Lindsay: "Alright!"
Jace: "I'm in."

Jace: "After this, the money will be mine. I'm guessing if I become the bad guy of this hull season, I might be close to the million. All I need is a few victims, location of any invincibility statue, and my looks and skills.
~End of Confessionals~

Mely: "Me too."
Camille: "Do you have kik?"
Natasha: "Hope you understand Russian."

-Team Everest-
*Trent looks at Snow. Snow is smiling so much, Trent can't look away*
"Luis": "Are you okay, Trent?"
Trent: "Hm." *He turns around and faces "Luis"* "Oh-yeah. I'm fine. But I'm gonna miss ya."
"Luis": "It'll only be four days, but I'm gonna mis you too." *Trent pats "Luis" on "his" shoulder. "He" tries to hide "his" blush with "his" hoodie cap*

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