Love and Genocide

Start from the beginning

A loud bang woke Tsukumo up, it must've been early morning. The man wouldn't have woken up if it wasn't, booze tends to knock him out good. The genin looked at the pieces of his glass and the damaged wall, he must've flung the damned thing pretty hard, he was proper pissed last night... 

Slowly dragging his feet and feeling worse than a dog having swallowed a bucket of banana slugs and a toad on top he staggered to the door, Tsukumo's head was spinning, he felt like he was going to literally pour out his stomach and innards on the floor if he as much as thought about it or opened his mouth. It's alright, he deserved to suffer, he deserved death for what he was responsible for...

Tsukumo opened the door. There she was... Short, dark purplish shade of long hair reaching the lower parts of her back. Kei of the Wandering Ninja. Tsukumo tried to slam the door but her hand got in the way. The man pulled it tougher, slamming the door on her hand and pressing hard, the woman grunted and barely restrained her scream of pain but she held it there, the bleeding hand was shaking but the woman left it there – she was desperate to get in.

"Look if you want to kill me for what I've done – be my guest... I've been trying to but I'm too much of a dirtbag to throw myself off of a cliff. Fucking excuse me for not having the guts to off my stupid face." Tsukumo spoke, he was right, just as he opened his mouth and opened the door he threw up close to the woman's slippers. She stepped back letting his torrent of vomit just barely slip from hitting her wet and transparent white shirt. Kei locked her hands on her chest and helped Tsukumo get back on his feet.

"I can't kill you, I wanted to, I mean... But you saved my life, similarly to how you can't end yourself, I cannot kill a man who loved me so much that he saved my life from... That..." Kei spoke softly. Her hand moved onto her stomach. "Also, I can't kill you until you help raise our child..."

Tsukumo's eyes widened, he jumped back on his feet and looked at the vomit, trying to swallow the following up reflex to throw his poison up again. "Scuse me, what?" he asked looking at the woman who gently took him by his elbow and dragged him inside his own home to hide both of them from the rain and closed the door.

"The child, two months..." Kei smiled looking at her belly with those most lovely eyes that Tsukumo got in love with.

"Fuck... Two months? That was... Fuck..." the man cursed stroking his lengthened hair and nearly clawing his own eyes out from dealing with the shock.

"This child was started on the worst night of my people, it's either going to be someone great or someone genocidal, either way, it's gonna mean something, I just know it" Kei looked at it before tears started bursting down her face. She turned away and crept up closer to the door, gently tapping her forehead to the tough wood and starting to cry for real.

Tsukumo cursed again and hugged the woman from behind, gently stroking the belly where his child was growing. "What's wrong?" he asked, he didn't feel nearly well enough to be dealing with the hormones of a pregnant woman but that was his life – responsibility and hatred. Hatred for himself for taking that responsibility up. He was warned about what that mission to gather intel on the Wandering Ninja would do to him. 

Still, he went with it... He wanted glory, he wanted a shortcut to the next rank and being someone who caused a genocide in the name of the village was that shortcut. This world awarded the worst scum there were and if that was the truth, Nakotsumi Tsukumo was the worst there was. Maybe even worse than those who actually carried the mass assassination out.

"I can't, Tsukumo, can't you see? What kind of an ignorant ass would bring her baby into this pathetic and sickening world?!" the woman cried out, her heart was still aching, she still hasn't forgiven Tsukumo's betrayal. After all, the man got involved with her while working behind her back to gather intelligence on her people which was then used to slaughter them all out just because the Daimyo didn't like them and the fact that they were people who loved freedom most of all things.

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