Bloody dreams 13 (edited)

Start from the beginning

'I can't believe it!'

I couldn't say one single word. I just stayed there and looked in his direction. After a couple of minutes I was still trying to find my words.

'It can't be true, can it?'

“Do you intend to tell me that you are…vampires? You must be joking, right?” I asked hopefully.

When he didn’t seem to react to my previous assumption I began to actually be afraid.

“You’re lying! You must be lying!” I said more to myself than to them, in a desperate attempt of convincing my mind that there was not even the slightest possibility that they were vampires…

My blood cooled inside my veins as the information finally sank inside my mind. 

“How can this be true? Then..., you brought me here for my blood? You want to drink it, don't you? But why the entire struggle? You could have done it in the city. You could have waited for me during the night fall and kill me quickly on the street. Nobody would have known” I said, while trying to understand his behavior.

Suddenly I remembered I had the little knife with me so I quickly put it on my wrist and cut myself. I couldn't go too deep because of the knife’s small size. It was just too little in order to harm me more.

“What are you doing?” Paul asked, looking very worried. I could see the panic imprinted all over his face.

“I want to see if you are really vampires or this is just a bad joke” I challenged.

Suddenly, the wind blew my hair all over my face. Everything happened so fast. Someone pulled me and plunk me down, getting over me. I couldn't move. I looked up and saw that it was Paul. Oh, so he was the hungriest, I thought. But the pain didn't come. He looked in my direction and said:

“Just stay calm. Fear is making the blood’s smell more potent” he warned me.

He was obviously trying to protect me, from the three other vampires over there.

Suddenly someone grabbed him off me and attacked him from behind. Almost instantly he began fighting with him.

I slowly got up to see that it was Leo the one who attacked firstly. His face was paler than usual, he was growling in Paul’s direction, obviously trying to make him go away and let him kill me.

My blood was making him go mad. He was badly craving it. His green beautiful eyes were now just black as pitch while he was growling, trying to fight against Paul in order to get to me. But Paul didn't let him. He pulled Leo towards him and thrown him on the ground. When Leo's head hit the ground I heard a cracking sound.

'Oh my God! Paul killed him!'

But, Leo was back on his feet in just a few seconds. They began fighting again. Their movements became quicker and quicker until I couldn't see them anymore.

My attention was diverted from their fight to the place where Michael and Aaren were standing. Aaren had a threatening expression on his face. His messy blonde hair was all over his eyes. And his beautiful eyes weren't blue anymore, but a strange dark mud color. He was craving for my blood as well as Leo. I tried to move a little and he began growling at me, trying to make me stay in place. The noises of the fight suddenly stopped. I looked back and saw that Leo was on the ground, almost not breathing and Paul was bleeding. He looked at me and came running.

“Just stay still and don't be afraid!” he said assuring once again.

Aaren ran towards us, but Paul wrapped his arms around my waist and moved me to the left, so Aaren couldn't touch me. He let go of me and grabbed Aaren's right arm and punched him so hard in the stomach that Aaren fell to the ground. I knew that the fight wasn't over yet but I couldn't hear them anymore when my eyes met his.

Michael was standing in front of me, looking in my direction with his very dark black eyes.

He was seeing me though. His expression wasn't an empty one like Leo's or Aaren's. He was seeing me. His eyes were a fountain of pain and sorrow.

'I don't want him to suffer' I told myself.

'I don't want him to be in pain because of me, because of my blood'.

Before I even knew what I was doing I found myself going towards the place where he stood. I will give my blood to him, in order to see him happy, even if I die. I don't want to lose the beautiful memory of his face. With those thoughts in mind I slowly walked, step by step, towards him. I could faintly hear Paul's desperate scream who told me not to get any closer to Michael, but I couldn't stay away from him. Not anymore.

'I'll be happy if I die in his arms'. So, I continued walking, getting closer and closer to him, until I could almost reach his hand. I looked at him and he froze in an instant, obviously trying not to breathe the smell of my blood. I stayed there and raised my hand to touch him, making him freeze.  

“I don't want you to suffer anymore! You can have it” I silently told him.

He looked towards me with narrowed eyes and in an instant; his cold arms captured me, tightly holding me in their grasp.

I didn’t fight against him at all as he held me pressed against his chest while he began to smell the blood on my wrist.

Before I could even react, understanding my own stupid actions, he slowly licked the blood and suddenly sank his fangs deep into my skin.

 “No, Michael, stop it! No!” Paul screamed, trying to stop him.

But Michael didn't want to stop or couldn't stop anymore. I don’t know which of those the true one was, or maybe they were both, because he was sucking my blood and I didn't fight him.

I just waited for my death and I decided that my heart needed him closer, so I erased the distance between our bodies, embracing him tightly with one of my arms.

As soon as he felt my arm wrapped around his waist, he stopped sucking the blood from my wrist, probably understanding his own actions.

He suddenly tightened his arms around me and began licking my neck.

'He was going to bite my neck as well'.

Paul tried to stop him, but before he could get to us he hit the ground, so hard, that he couldn't move anymore.

“Paul!” I screamed.

“Don't scream his name” Michael ordered, holding me tightly in his arms.  

And, before I could argue with him he bit my neck, sinking his fangs deep into my skin once again.

The pain was unbelievable.

I badly wanted to run away, but I couldn't move at all.

'I will die' I said to myself.

'I will die in his cold arms'. My mind barely could register anything else than his closeness.

'Life is too short to do stupid things!' - This was my motto.

And indeed, it was too short!  

I laughed a little at the thought that I would die in a vampire's arms. What a perfect way to die! After all I always knew that I would die young.

Slowly my vision became foggy.

Paul's screams soon were just a whisper to my ears and I could feel my life going away.

I couldn't move my body anymore.

I couldn't feel my hands.

I began to see only blackness.

Then I knew that I would disappear into nonexistence.

Even so, I felt so peaceful and... somehow… happy so I whispered:


Vampire blood (Bloody dreams) - rewriting, on hold at the momentWhere stories live. Discover now