Bloody dreams 7 (edited)

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Copyright © 2010 Alexandra-Patricia Pusca




I slowly turned around to see a gorgeous young man with brown hair and an emo style hair cut. His hand was still clenched on my shoulder. 'Who is this person? I've never seen him in my entire life' I said to myself. I looked right into his eyes, but he continued to stare at me, his hold tightening on my shoulder.

“Please let go of my shoulder” I ordered with a low and steady tone.

“You'll come with me now little girl” the guy said while looking straight into my eyes and I could swear that the color of his eyes just changed from dark brown to almost black.

“First, I'm not a little girl, secondly let go of me now. I'm not coming with you anywhere. What's wrong with you? I don't even know who you are” I confidently stated thinking that he wouldn’t dare to do anything to me in a mall.

I don't know if the look of his face, his eyes or the painful hand on my shoulder made me feel worried, almost scared, even if I'm not a weak person at all. I was facing the scary guy when someone grabbed my waist and pulled me toward a cold body.

“Is there something wrong here?” a sweet voice asked and even if I couldn't turn around to see who it was I just knew it was Aaren's voice standing right behind me.

“I'm taking this girl with me and this is none of your problem” the young man ordered with venom in his voice.

“I'm not going anywhere with you!” I stated irritated.

“What's your problem? Just let go of me, now!” I ordered while struggling to escape from them.

'What the hell is wrong with this guy?' I could see that he wasn't joking. As soon as Aaren heard his words his arms tightened around my waist. His hold was almost painful if I tried to move. But his voice was smooth and calm as a sea’s surface in a sunny day.

“You heard the young lady, so, back off! That is…” Aaren said laughing “If you want to live until tomorrow”.

Oh my god! They can't be serious. He just threatened this guy? I can't understand what is happening and I begin to lose my patience.

“Let go of me now! What is wrong with you two? I came here to drink a coffee and I can't even do that? Who told you that I would come with you” I said to the unknown guy.

“And, Aaren, could you please let go of my waist, I can't breathe” I seriously stated.

They didn't even look at me anymore. It was as if I wasn't even there or I was just a statue or a ghost... I can't believe it! They're crazy, or what? I could feel Aaren's body tense against by back, holding me tightly in his arms. He was so protective and possessive. I could feel his cold body against my skin even through my jacket.

After a few more minutes, the stranger began to retreat looking towards the entrance of the pub. I could see the terror spreading all over his face. His eyes were focused towards the entrance and he continued to retreat further and further away, moving in slow motion.

Suddenly, I heard a voice that seemed so powerful, but so familiar in the same time even if I couldn't remember who it belong to.

“Aaren is everything ok?” the voice asked all of a sudden.

“Yeah, piece of cake” Aaren said smirking.

The unknown voice was low, but strong and calm in the same time. I could feel my blood going cold through my veins in an instant. I began to feel weak and my body was trembling a little.

Vampire blood (Bloody dreams) - rewriting, on hold at the momentWhere stories live. Discover now