22:Happy Birthday

Start from the beginning

"Well of course! Anything for you, Ayana-San~" I averted my eyes, and he continued, "so, you will be becoming an exorcist soon... But first you'll need to be an Exwire. I don't think it will be too hard for you, considering that you already know a lot about demons and how to defeat them." I nodded my head, understanding, and he continued,"you will also need to be a full time student at my school, True Cross Academy-"

"Wait. School?!" I almost jumped out of my seat. I don't want to go to school! I'm going to be treated the same way I was treated before! People will call me a monster again! I know it!

"I'm sorry Ayana-San. But all exorcists and Exwires have to go, if they haven't graduated yet. But I'm sure you'll be fine. Okumura-kun will be with you too. Along with the other cram students."

Oh yeah. I almost forgot. Rin will be with me too. I won't be alone this time!

This relaxed me. So I obliged to what he said. Then, Mephisto continued,

"Okay. Here is your uniform." He reached under his desk and pulled out a girls uniform. It had a white dress shirt, with a yellow sweater on top, and a pink skirt. I took it and placed it on my lap. Then Mephisto pulled out a key, "This is an infinity key. You will be able to get to the cram school with this through any door." He gave me the key, then said,"And also. Because it is the middle of the school year, the girls dormitories are full. So I will have you stay with the Okumura brothers in their dorm."

"Okay." I really didn't mind this. I would probably feel more comfortable anyway; staying with people I know, instead of some strangers that know nothing about me.

"You will also need to catch up on all the work as well. But I'm sure you'll be fine since Yukio Okumura is living in the same dorm."

I nodded my head,"yeah, and even though I lived in Gehenna, I was still home schooled down there; so I'm hopefully caught up... Maybe..."

Mephisto nodded his head. That was really all he wanted to tell me.

Then I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in~" Mephisto called.

The door opened revealing Shura Kirigakure.

I smiled at her, but I noticed that there was something that she had to say. Something, I probably wouldn't like.

"Are you finished?" Shura asked Mephisto, and he nodded, "alright then..."

Shura look at me with a serious expression,

"Time for your punishment."

***Rin's POV***(time skip)

Yukio told me that it would take a while for Ayana to get prepared for school and cram school and stuff like that... But... It shouldn't take this long...

It's been a week since I've seen her!

Where the heck is she?! I even asked Yukio and he has no idea either... I hope she okay... I don't know what to do... Well it's like 11 in the night now, so might as well sleep...


I groggily woke up after hearing the sound of the door closing. Probably Yukio.

I sat up on my bed and looked at the clock. But then I noticed something else beside the clock.

An envelope.

I took it and on the outside it read


The writing didn't look like Yukio's though... It was someone else's... But who?

I opened the envelope and read it:

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