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My heart was beating fast. I still wasn't seeing shit. I was mad, angry, fuckin' hurt. She betrayed me. She literally sold me out. After I basically got shot for her. I decided to help her, I decided to join in for her because she was my friend. I helped her. Defended her. 

I was sitting on the floor, somewhere. I didn't hear anything anymore. I was just thinking how stupid I was. But then again I wasn't, I just wanted to help out my friend. Lanika warned me but I didn't see any harm in Gotti's actions. I thought I was gonna help her out and head back to the party afterwards. Well, that clearly wasn't going to happen. L'A didn't want me to leave. I should've listened to them.

I should've stayed.

But how could I possibly know? Lanika said she saw Nunu, but how? And why? 

Oh, money. Of course, the root of all evil. So evil that you'll betray a loyal friend who's been there for you in hard times. Ain't this some real Chicago stuff.

"Oh dear Armani." I heard Nunu's voice. "I knew we would meet again." She said as I heard her coming closer. I remained silent. "What? You can't talk now?" She said. "Get that thing off her head." I heard her say afterwards, and within seconds the bag or whatever the hell it was, was removed off my head. I coughed a few times and stared at the floor. I spotted some old nasty condoms and some injection needles. A place where junkies, crackheads and hoes hung out at. No wonder Nunu was here.

"You not surprised to see me?" She asked. "Don't turn this whole thing into a movie scene now. I'm impressed with the whole bag over head thing and tying me up and all. Good job. Now can you let me go and go about your life? I got things to do." I said, highly irritated. She really wanted to play these games. She wanted to be a badass, but all she did was making herself look stupid. She watched way too many movies. "If this was a movie scene, it would be a good one. I don't even know how we got Gotti to bring you here but dang, it was one simple ass job, wasn't it." She said. I chuckled humorlessly. "Simple because I was her friend." I muttered. "Yeah, of course. You helped her jump me, remember? How sweet. Now she sold you out, plot twist!" She sang and laughed afterwards. I simply rolled my eyes. "What is it that you need this time, Nunu?" I asked, truly curious.

She walked towards me slowly. "What do you think I want? I don't know what you did, but L'A isn't responding to my texts anymore. After he got shot, he been all hypnotized by you. Ion know what kind of drug you've been serving him but I need you to get him off of it, right now." She said. I chuckled and sighed. "I guess you fail to realise that I'm that drug, really." I said, raising my eyebrows. She smiled as she looked to the other girls that were in the room, standing further away from her in the shadows of the night. "I guess we'll need to eliminate you then.. don't we? Tried it once. I'll try it again." She said. My heart dropped as fear consumed me. 

"Hand me the pocket knife that Gotti gave you," she said to one of the girls and she did as Nunu said. If I would survive whatever she was gonna do to me, Gotti wouldn't be safe. 

"Ready?" She asked me. 

Lord if I'm gonna die, please forgive me for not living like you wanted me to, if you even exist, I prayed internally. I wasn't sure what she was about to do but she was the one who shot me in the first places so I wouldn't be surprised if she'd do it again. She made eye contact with the other girls and they all walked towards me. I could sense it. I knew it. They were gonna kill me and they were gonna make sure I was really dead, this time.

"Okay," I yelled, making them stop in their tracks. "You can have L'A. If you want him so bad, go ahead and have him. Go. I don't care anymore." I blurted out of fear. "Go and be with him if you want to so bad." I said. Nunu pressed her lips together and smiled after. Her smile grew bigger and she started laughing. "I think we both know L'A has some sort of.. obsession with you. Unless you're out of the way, he'll keep going back to you. He loves me, I know that for sure, but there's something about you that makes him more attracted to you than to me. That's obviously not okay, so you're just gonna have to die, baby girl. I don't care what you say. He'll be mine eventually." She said.

"You're sick." I said. She raised her eyebrow. "You're so sick, man. You're really gonna kill me over ol' dude? It's like that? He may be obsessed with me but dang, you have an extreme obsession with him. Trust me, even if you kill me; he won't be with you. You don't have anything but a lot of disorders, girl." I said. She was gonna kill me anyway, it didn't matter if I was gonna beg her to spare my life or cuss her out. She wasn't gonna change her mind.

She remained silent for a few seconds and looked at me. It looked as if my words had hurt her. I didn't know if that was a good thing or a bad thing. She exhaled and closed her eyes for a few seconds.

"Kill her." 

I could swear my heart dropped down to my guts. I closed my eyes as the other girls approached me, punching and kicking me as I was still on the ground. They kept going, kicking me in my stomach, my back, my legs. Throwing their fists everywhere, stomping my face with their Timberlands. I could feel blood drawing from my lips and nose. They were jumping on my face, to a point where I couldn't even open my eyes anymore. I just gave in to the pain, accepting that it was happening. I knew nobody came to save me because nobody knew where I was at. I could feel tears escaping from my eyes as I was lying on the floor, feeling nothing but pain. So much pain, physically and mentally. 

"Please," I managed to whisper as they were still going. The pain was too much. It was then, that I felt a sharp sting on my side that made me scream out in pain. Literally every part of my being was tensed as the pain was too much to bear. And again, I felt the same sharp sting in my chest that made me scream out even harder. I couldn't control my body anymore because of the pain. They were stabbing me. Stabbing me deep and good. 

"Please don't!" I cried out as I could feel my body giving up.

They continued beating me up and stabbing me in my legs for what seemed to be eternity. I gave up already. I was praying and crying. Crying because I'd never be with Jacie again. I'd never be with L'A again. They would never see me again. I knew L'A was gonna be devastated, feeling like he could've protected me. But it was my own stupid fault. It was Kiara's fault. I didn't even care anymore, I was just hoping I wouldn't go to hell.

"Where the gun?" I heard one of the voices say. "Here." Another voice said. "Aight, kill her."

And as soon as those words sounded, I heard a loud bang and felt an unbearable pain in my leg. They were out to torture me before I died. They wanted to make me suffer for something I couldn't even control. For all I knew, I didn't even wanna be with L'A but we just happened to be meant for each other in some way. Again, a loud bang and I knew it was stomach again. I screamed and could feel my body move uncontrollably as I felt my spirit leave my body. I wanted to fight. I wanted to fight so, so bad. 

I wanted to fight for the love of my life and for my best friend, my soul sister. I wanted to fight for my brother. But it felt so good. The pain was becoming numb and I was experiencing a feeling I had never felt before. I was watching my body from another angle suddenly. I looked so bad. So tormented. Covered in blood. My eyes were dark and swollen, dried tears on my face, busted lip.. I looked horrible. I was dying. I knew, because I could smell Dezzy's body scent. He was near. He was with me. He was watching me. I was gonna be alright.

And within seconds, I knew they had shot me in the head because I was gone. It was over.


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