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Only each other

Only each other

Ridin' round town on that same shit

Niggas get changed quick

You ain't seen shit

A long week had passed. I visited the hospital every single day but never entered the room he was in. Why? I was anxious and scared. I felt like every step in the direction of his room would make me nauseous. I didn't know what he would say if he saw me. I didn't even know if he was awake yet. Every night, I would lie in my bed thinking that he'd blame me for what happened. Maybe Momma Capone even blamed me but wasn't trying to show it. Shit, if my son was fighting for his life because of his excessive drug use caused by his ex girlfriend, I wouldn't talk to the bitch either. Yes he got shot and that's something I couldn't avoid, but if we were on good terms, I'm sure he wouldn't have drank that much dirty sprite. I didn't blame her and I didn't blame him. I avoided everyone. Tay, JB, Lala, Lanika, Momma Capone and even Jacie. I 'stole' her keys to my place when she forgot them inside. She couldn't check up on me anymore. I only came to the hospital in the early and late hours because I knew as soon as Momma Capone had dropped off Pinky and Baybay at school, she'd head over to the hospital and spend the whole afternoon and evening in this disgusting place. Of course I missed seeing them and talking to them, but I didn't have a feeling that this was going to end well. A week and a couple days ago the nurse told us he was going to be alright. We're a week further now and nothing has changed, it's still "slowly progressing". Slowly progressing my ass.

5AM and I was standing in front of L'As room. I was watching every nurse walk past me, back and forth. I didn't even know what I was doing in the hospital. I was just standing there. Probably because I need to satisfy my feelings, I'm selfish like that. I decided to rest my back against the door of his room and stare at the ceiling since I had nothing else to do anyways. 

"Are you sure you want nothing else?" The door suddenly flew open and I stumbled backwards, quickly recovering and running to the side of the door, making sure the nurse didn't see me. I was probably looking like some sort of stalker at this point. 

"Nah, I'm good. Thank you." I heard a deep voice reply. My eyes grew big and my heart pace fastened. Was that L'As voice? 

"Alright. Press the red button if you need any help. I'll be back in about three hours to check up on you." The nurse said as she closed the door and walked past me after. I could pretty much feel the sweat forming around my hairline, that's how nervous I got. And all that nervousness for someone I'd been knowing my whole life. Someone who knew everything about me, vice versa. Life's crazy, man.

As I was heavily contemplating whether I should just bust through the door or keep quiet and leave, knowing he was okay, I suddenly heard a loud bang coming from his room. My heart dropped and I gasped unintentionally. What happened? Is he hurt? Something fell. Did he fall from his bed? I was too concerned to care about my own feelings and pushed the door open, my eyes frantically searching for a body lying on the ground but instead, they focused on a plate with some scrambled eggs and a few pieces of bacon scattered all over the floor. 

Then my eyes slowly traveled upwards, observing the bandage on the side of his stomach and on his chest as he was shirtless. His skin was still as flawless as it used to be. His muscles were still showing and he was still incredibly toned, as usual.

I then looked at his mouth, that was partially opened. His nostrils were flared and I saw the creases between his eyebrows. He was confused and shocked, I could tell. I finally looked at his eyes and swore I felt my knees tremble. One word; sadness. 

I remained silent as I stood there in the door opening, not knowing what to do or say. Unable to move as his gaze put me in a frozen state. He pressed his lips together and eyed me from head to toe, still not saying a word. 

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