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Months had passed and L'A and I were happy. It was as if everything that ever bothered us, just vanished. I hadn't heard of Nunu anymore and L'A didn't either. We were just simply living our lives and enjoying it to the fullest. It was noon and L'A and JB were setting everything up for the party we were throwing tonight. We were just going to celebrate all that was going well: L'As recovery, our happiness as a couple, our worriless lives, our loyal and supportive friends. We basically lived a life that didn't exist in Chicago. 

I smiled as I watched L'A and JB hit each other in the face repeatedly. I had no idea what they were possibly 'arguing' about, but it didn't seem serious. They pushed each other and laughed after as I watched them disappear in the distance.

"You daydreaming? Oh, you're staring at them." Jacie said, interrupting my thoughts. I chuckled as I diverted my eyes to her. "You look like one of those proud moms, what's wrong with you?" She asked as she raised her eyebrow. I burst out in laughter. "I'm just happy. I can't believe we went months without drama. Like, this is the first time ever." I said. Jacie frowned, then smiled. "Man, you're right. Nothing has happened. Nunu.. where she at?" She asked. "Only Lord knows where she's hiding right now. It's for the better, though. She don't need to be around." I said, trying to forget about her existence. I didn't want the thought of her ruining my whole peaceful mood. "Anyways," Jacie said as she went to sit next to me on the bench. "I found something and I almost had a heart attack when I found it." She went on. My eyebrows knitted together in confusion as I looked in her eyes. She seemed serious. "What are you talking about?" I asked. "I'm sorry but I was looking through all your stuff inside and I came across this," she said as she handed me an envelope. "Man, I swear. Why can't you ever leave my stuff alone though?" I complained. "Just look at the damn thing." She said as she kept her eyes on the envelope. "Did you open it?" I asked. "What? No!" She said. I rolled my eyes. I eyed the envelope that had nothing written on it. "Well, let's get it on." I muttered as I opened it. As soon as I opened it, hundred dollar bills were revealed. "Yo," Jacie yelled. "Shut up," I hissed as I nudged her with my elbow. I counted the dollar bills and I was sure it was about $8000 dollars. "What in the world," I whispered in confusion. "Who's mula is this?" Jacie asked. "Where'd you find this?" I asked. "In your closet. It was in your favorite pair of Jimmy Choo heels." She said. As soon as she mentioned my favorite heels, a lump formed in my throat.

"You don't owe me." I said as we both entered the car. "What you mean? I could never afford the house without your part." He said. "Dez, seriously? I know the house is expensive, my part was literally nothing. You're being dramatic, man."  I said. He chuckled. "I'll give you the money back though, sis. I'll hide it somewhere if you don't wanna take it." "Oh please." I muttered. "I appreciate it though. I know you don't wanna leave ATL but you still helped me with the crib." He went on. "Dez, it's good, aight? Don't worry about the money, seriously. I don't need it anyway. Let's just drive already." I said. He laughed. 

"Aight. Chicago, we comin'." He said as he put on "Confused" by Gucci.

"You good? Why are you crying?" Jacie asked as she eyed me. I chuckled as I wiped away the tears that had escaped. "It's Dez. I didn't wear those heels but he knew those were my favorites. He was waiting 'til I wore them because then I would find the money he 'owed' me." I said, chuckling again. "I love his aint shit self." I said. I missed him too, incredibly. "Aw man," Jacie said as she hugged me. "It's like I found it on purpose. Today's gonna be a good day, I know it." She said. I smiled. "Yeah. It is." I just hoped I could see him one last time.


The sun was setting and the house was full of food and drinks. L'A and I were already drinking our bottle of 40s outside, watching cars driving by. "What's on your mind?" I asked him as I noticed he was in deep thought. "A lot. Ion know, I'm feelin' weird as hell man. Don't know what it is." He said. I frowned, "Huh?" "You ever had a feeling that sumn bad's about to happen but you don't know what?" He asked. I nodded. "Yea, that." He spoke. "Hm, maybe a fight or something. It's probably nothing major. Unless Nunu pops up outta nowhere." I joked. He sighed. "Let's hope not cuz I'ma fight ha real quick." He said. I laughed. "Please." 

Lots of people had arrived and "Down in the DM" by Yo Gotti was beaming through the house. As always, people were dancing, tryna spit some game and more. L'A and I were just chilling, roasting people secretly while we were getting drunk. The bell rang and I rushed to the door, opening up and facing Kiara. She wore a worried expression on her face. "Gotti," I said. "I need your help." She said. I frowned. "Why what's going on?" I asked as I left the door ajar. "I got beef with some girls and they're at my house right now. I can't go back." She said. I sighed as I showed her my pocket knife. "Let me have that." She said as she snatched it from me. I frowned but figured she just wanted to stab them herself, she was that kind of aggressive type. "Hold on," I said as I went back into the house. 

"L'A," I called. "Yea?" He responded as he was talking to Tay. "I'm gonna go somewhere with Gotti for a second, I'll be back before the party's over." I said, turning on my heel and heading out. "Where to? Why?" He yelled after me. "To her house." I yelled back. "What you going for? People are here for us," He went on but I ignored him and walked out. It was cute how much he worried but he didn't have to worry that much. I surely wasn't gonna get shot again, or anything. As Gotti and I walked towards the car, I bumped into Lanika. "Wassup girl, where you going to?" She asked as she watched me and Gotti. "I'm gonna help Gotti fix some stuff, man. I'll be back though." I said. For a split second I could see Lanika scowl at Gotti but her facial expression went neutral afterwards. "L'A is inside." I said as I watched Gotti pretty much ignore Lanika and get in the driver's seat. "I'll see you in a minute." I spoke to Lanika and wanted to get in the car but she stopped me. "Don't go." She said as she was keeping her eyes on the car. I frowned. "Why? I'ma be back. It's not gonna be like the last time, seriously, y'all need to stop being so–" "You don't get it though," She interrupted. "She saw Nunu." She whispered. I chuckled. "And? It's only good, that means I can get to beat her ass up." I said as I got in the car. "Not like that–" the car door closed. "Just an hour!" I yelled. I could see her sigh and shake her head.

Kiara and I were driving for a while now, I was texting with L'A but when we drove past her house, I frowned. "You know your crib right here, don't you?" I asked as I eyed her, sensing some kind of discomfort. "Yeah but they're at another crib right now." She said vaguely. "How do you know that?" I asked. She didn't respond, instead she was blankly staring in front of her. "Okay," I whispered to myself.

I was pretty sure we were somewhere on the northside now. Still the projects though. I had no idea what girls we were going to deal with but they were not from around town, I guessed. 

"We here." Gotti announced after the car came to a stop. "This is an abandoned building.. they slanging drugs too now?" I asked. She didn't respond. "Dang, G. Why you so salty?" I asked her as we were now walking towards the building. "I just want to get it over with." She said. "Well aight." I responded. She kicked against the door of the building and it shot open. She then knelt down and tied her shoes. I raised my eyebrows and entered the building.

"It smells like sh–" I felt something like a pouch pulled over my head and my hands being tied together. "Man what the fuck!" I screamed as I tried to kick around me, unsuccessfully. 

"You a real dog, Gotti." I heard a familiar voice say. "Just give me the money." I heard Gotti's voice. "Remember, don't snitch on me 'cuz I'll find you." The familiar voice said again. "Whatever, Nunu."

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