A Walk to Remember

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Regina drives us in her black Mercedes towards Time Square. Robin is next to her, and Killian and I are in the back. He grabs my hand and gives it a squeeze. I look over at him and we both smile and each other. There's some soft music playing from the radio, and suddenly an oldie comes on.

I look over at Killian and he smirks back. "I love this song." I say.

"Regina, can you turn it up a bit?" He asks.

She makes the volume louder and suddenly the song fills the car. Regina laughs and looks at us in the rear view mirror. "Really? This song?"

"Come on, Regina. This song is a classic."

"Let's all sing along." Killian says.

"No way am I singing to this." Regina says.

"Please?" I ask. I shift my eyes over to Killian for a second and then back to her in the mirror. She understands what I mean and sighs.

"Alright. Fine."

The song starts and we all sing along.

Just a small town girl
Livin' in a lonely world
She took the midnight train
Goin' anywhere
Just a city boy
Born and raised in South Detroit
He took the midnight train
Goin' anywhere

I look at Regina and I can tell she's enjoying it. Then, when we get to the end, Killian squeezes my hand again and I find his bright eyes in the dark.

Don't stop believin'
Hold on to that feeling
Streetlight people

We both sing it to each other, me telling him and he telling me: don't stop believing in us.


We find a parking space on the street and get out of the car. There's not a lot of people out because it's Thanksgiving, so we walk easily through the the streets without people crowding around us. I grab Killian's hand and we walk behind Robin and Regina.

"You're really good at singing, Emma." He says, smiling.

I'm about to say nope, when I stop myself and think. This night's for Killian. I want to make him happy. "Thanks, but you have an amazing voice."

"It's just practice." He says.

I smile. "That's what Henry says. He really likes video games and he wants me to play with him, but I suck, and he says, 'You just have to practice.'"

Killian laughs. "I'm sure you don't suck. Henry just has more experience."

I look up at him. "You're always so positive about everything. How do you do that?"

"Well, I just think that everyone should be happy. When I have a bad day, I tell myself that I tried my best and I can do better next time." He looks at me. "You're a positive person, Emma."

"I try to be." I say.

"That's the first step." He tells me, squeezing my hand.

"Hey guys, up for a late night snack?" Regina asks, pointing to an ice cream place.

"Sure." We say.

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