Don't Let it Snow

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I step through the doorway and see Henry reading on the couch. "Hey Henry! How was your date?"

He looks at me and smiles. "It was really fun. How was your date?"

I grin so wide that my cheeks hurt. "It was great. Thanks for asking."

"Where did he take you?" Henry asks.

I walk over to the couch. "We went to this little restaurant called The River Café in Brooklyn. It had this amazing view of the city and we were there just in time to see the sunset."

"Wow, cool!" Henry says. "I'm so happy for you, Mom."

"Thank you. So, when did you get back?" I ask, sitting down next to him.

He looks at his watch. "About half an hour ago. We watched the movie and then Claire's mom drove us back to her house and we hung out for a bit. She gave me this book to borrow." He says, holding up The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan.

"Oh, I love that series!" I say. "It's really good."

"You've read Percy Jackson?" Henry asks, shocked.

"Yeah, of course. Young adult books aren't just for young adults, you know."

"What else have you read?"

"A bunch of things, but anyway, I think I'm going to bed."

"Alright. Goodnight, Mom."

"Goodnight, Henry."


On the following Tuesday, I wake up and hear the loud sound of wind crashing against my window. I get up and pull my curtains aside. "Oh my god." I whisper.

The whole city is covered in a blanket of snow. It's snowing right now, and it must have snowed overnight. But it's not the kind of snow you think about building snowmen with. The snow is a dirty white, almost gray color, and it's coming down very fast. Almost as if someone is in the clouds throwing snowballs down at the earth. It looks like everyone is inside to stay out of the snowstorm. I walk into the living room and see that Henry has the news on. I sit down next to him and we exchange a "Good morning," before focusing on the television screen.

"... there is already a 6 inch pile of snow on the ground and from the looks of it, this snowstorm will not stop anytime soon. All schools are closed for today and some workplaces are also shutting down. Weather experts say this is one of the biggest storms of this decade..."

"Wow. What a mess, huh?" I say.

"At least there's no school." Henry says, smiling.

"But look at the snow. That can't be normal." I say, suddenly getting a bad feeling.

"It's weird, that's for sure." He agrees.

I start to prepare some breakfast when I get a notification. I look at my phone and open the email from Belle.

The building is closed for today. I will email you if I need anything.

"Looks like no work for me today." I say, putting my phone down.

"Good. I wouldn't want to go out there." He says.

"Yeah. It looks really bad." I say. "Well, breakfast's ready."

We eat pancakes with maple syrup when Henry pipes up. "What if we're stuck here? What if the storm goes on for a week and we run out of food?"

Luck or Fate?Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang