Our First Date (Part 1)

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I wake up late the next day and walk out of my room to see Henry working on homework. "Good morning." I say, walking into the kitchen.

"Morning, Mom." Henry says. "Um, remember how I was talking about going to see a movie with Claire? Well, is it okay if we went tonight?"

"Yeah, of course! I'm going to be out with Killian, but if you need me, just call me."

"Alright. Thanks Mom." Henry says, grinning. He texts something on his phone and returns to his homework.

We eat a breakfast of eggs and toast before I call Regina. "Hey, what's up?" she asks.

"Hey. So, yesterday, Killian asked me out on a date."

"Wow, how exciting." Regina giggles.

"Yeah, well, I was wondering if you would help me pick out something to wear."

"Of course, Emma! I'm glad you appreciate my sense of style."

I laugh. "Okay. What time?"

"Why don't we grab some lunch and then go shopping after? I feel like I haven't seen you in forever."

"Alright. Where do you want to eat?" I ask.

"Hmmm. Food court at Bay Plaza? Noon?"

"Sounds like a plan. See you soon."

I park in the parking lot and and walk into Bay Plaza Mall. I see Regina sitting at a table in the food court. I sit down across from her. "Regina? How are you?" I greet her.

"Good. I'm so excited for you. When's your date?"

"Tonight at 7." I say, smiling. I clear my throat and pretend she is a famous fashion designer. "So, from your expert fashion sense, what are you thinking I should wear tonight?"

She plays along. "Well, it's your first date. I would do something cute but classy." She lowers her voice to a whisper and I lean in to hear her. "Don't show too much skin, but just enough to keep him wanting more." She says with a wink.

I crack up. "Oh God, Regina. What kind of fashion advice is that?"

"Very good fashion advice, thank you very much." She says, chuckling. "Anyways, want to get some food?"

"Let's go."


After our lunch, I ask, "Okay, so what shops should we go to?"

"I think we should try Macy's and JCPenny."

"Okay." I say.

We look through the dresses at Macy's and find a few options. I go into the changing room with my dresses and try on  the first one. It's a tight black dress with some lace on the sleeves. I walk out and show Regina and she shakes her head. "No, not really." She says.

"Yeah. I agree." I go in and try on the next one. This one is a colorful flowy hi-low dress. "It's cute, I like this one." Regina says.

"Yeah, I like it." I say, looking at myself in the mirror. We go through the line of dresses until we come to the one. The dress is a light pink dress with a v-neckline. I come out and Regina gasps. "You look so beautiful. I love it."

I smile. "Me too. I think this is the one." I say.

"Yes! This is it." Regina says excitedly.

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