Chapter 13

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I forced myself to write this becuz New Year is coming. Happy New Year everyone!!

What am I doing? I just wanted a little rest and this is what I get. Another pirate crew. Great. I wanna kill some people. That's what humans do when they're frustrated. Hurt others. Maybe I should've told my whole story to him? Forget it he won't do anything either way. I'm tired. They just can't stop updating to me can they? All of them...they should just die. Fall dead and go to hell. Life is not fair. I-I'm exhausted...I'm tired...Ending my life would be so much easier...But the truth is...

The truth is...


Some more days passed. Rin was now a little more open to them, playing cards together and talking a lot of the time -even cracking jokes but Rin never laughed. It's a winter island this time. 

When they were about to get off the sub to the island Law turned towards Rin. "Stay in the sub this time I don't wanna go through the pain of fixing your injuries again." Rin nodded "Sure." Shachi whispered to Penguin "I don't think that's a good idea..." but they went through with it anyway. 

They got the supplies and everything. They were going to stay on the island for a few days so they booked an inn. Then they went back to the sub to put the supplies and bring Rin to the town square and maybe, have a drink or something?

But when they entered the submarine was dead quiet. That wasn't strange though, Rin was always quiet. They put the food in the fridge and medical things in the infirmary and others in the storage. But while they did this, there was no sign of Rin. 

Shachi took it upon himself to search the whole submarine but Rin was nowhere to be found, instead he found a letter. At the top was written "For Captain" so he didn't dare to open it. 

"Captain! Rin isn't in the sub!!!" Shachi shouted going to his Captain. "Nandato?! (What)" Law shouted. "But I found a letter addressed to you" Shachi added and gave the letter to Law. Law opened it:

Dear Law,

Looks like I've done some miscalculations. Sorry for all the trouble I've made you go through. And thanks for stitching that cut the other day. Looks like I'll be taking my leave now. Our paths are different from now on. I officially resign from your ship. Say bye to the crew for me. Bye Law. It was nice meeting you.
P.S. Don't look for me.


Shachi also read it along side with Law. "What now, captain?" he asked silently with a worried expression. Law smirked. "She doesn't get to decide when she leaves my crew. It's the number one rule that a crew mate takes permission of the captain before leaving his crew." His smirk grew wider. "Get ready to do some hunting" he said.

To be continued...

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