unexpected letter

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your pov
a few weeks after you and Sean have read the letter
I've been taking care of Sean and now he is all better he now has a scar there. I walk to Sean recording room and I see him editing and I walk over to him and I hug him from behind (they are not dating even they did have that kiss they are not dating but tell me if you want me to have y/n and Sean together or y/n and Mark together please let me know ) Sean turn around and faces me and says "hey y/n are you okay" I look down at the ground and I say " no Sean I'm not .... I really miss Mark and I want another letter from him so I know he is okay" I start to feel tears fall down from my face. Sean grabs my wrist and pulls me toward him and I fall into his lap and I blush and I look at him with blood shot watery eyes and I feel his arms around me back and waist and I cry into his shoulder and I hear him whisper in my ear " y/n I love you so much please be happy"
Sean pov
I pull her onto my lap and I feel hey bury her face into my neck and cry I look at her then I whisper in her ear " y/n I love you so much please be happy" i see her look up at me and I smile and she leans in and kisses me gently then backs away and I feel her get off of my lap and I see her walking away . I grab her wrist and I get out of my seat and I say "y/n do you want to go on a date" she turns and looks at me and she nods "yes" I smile and lean in and I gently press my lips against her and I feel her kiss back and she stops crying . I break the kiss and I look at her "y/n go get ready wear something is confertable" she nods and gets off of my lap and I see her leave the room and I finsh editing and I upload and I hey up from my chair and I walk to my room and I put on my red shirt and black pants and grey vans
y/n pov
I feel him break the kiss and I hear him say "y/n go get ready wear something confertable" I nod and I get off his lap and I go my room a wear a batman sweatshirt with grey leggings with white boots and I put in a Bennie (pic above) and I leave my room and I see Sean all ready to go Sean says "wow you look beauiful" I smile and I say "thank you Sean" Sean smiles then says "you ready to go" I nod and jumps off the two stairs "YUP IM READY!" he laughs and I smile and we start walking toward the car  
          after the date
still your pov
"Sean I had a fun time thank you" he smiles and says "your welcome"
I walk in the house and I note drops down and I look at Sean and he looks at me and I go down and pick the letter and its says
to: y/n and Sean
from: Mark
I open up the letter and it says
Dear y/n and Sean,
when you read this letter it mean that soon I will be coming back and I am feeling better than I ever have and also something tells me that dark won't be coming back for a while so I am coming back and I will text Sean or y/n when I'm on my way .... I miss you guys so much see you soon
sincerely , Mark
I look at the letter and I had the letter over to Sean and he read it and after he reads it I look at him and I have a big smile on my face had smiles back and I say "IM SO HAPPY HE IS COMING" I jump up and down like a little kid and he laughs and says "yea I'm glad he is coming back
hey guys I hope this chapter makes up for the long time I have been gone anyway
if you like this chapter PUNCH THE LIKE BOTTOM LIKE A BOSS and high hives all round .. woosh woosh thank you you guys and I will see all you dudes in the next chapter
as always I will see you in the next chapter bye bye

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