what can i do to help

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marks pov
I felt really bad for what I did to y/n and Sean but it looks like dark has claimed y/n his . and coming form me I really don't like it in fact I hate it . I want y/n out of this god damn mess she was not supposed to be in this mess she needs to bed safe . and I want y/n safe because I ...... love her . but it obvious that y/n wants to help me but I don't know how she can do that?
Sean pov
argh I groan I pain and I look up and I look to my left and I see y/n sleeping peacefully and calm . I look to my right and Mark is not there then I think "Mark must have went home ....I hope he is okay." I look around my bed for the nurse botton and I found it, I pressed the button , I see y/n slowly starting to wake up and I say "good morning sleeping beauty" she smiles then says "good morning how are you feeling?" I look at my right side of my waist then I say "I'm feeling better but still in pain" she nods. the nurse comes in and checks my wound and the Machines and then she says " Sean you look like you can go home you just need to stay in bed and get a lot of rest" I nod and y/n gets you and starts to help me up and she look at the nurse then says "can you a wheelchair please" the nurse nods then says "yes mam" she leaves the room
and she comes back with  a wheelchair and y/n helps me get into the wheelchair and we go to the front and she helps me sign all of the papers and and we leave . she helps me get into her car and she puts the wheelchair in the trunk and she got into the driver Sean and we went back to marks house.
when we got there Mark was no were in sight

your pov
I look around the house to find Mark but he was no where I went to his room and some of his clothes are gone . I look around again and then something catches my eye and I go near it and it's a note
dear y/n and Sean ,
I have to leave for a while I don't want to hurt you guys more than I already did and I feel terrible for what I did ....... I am staying in a safe place .... I'm in a place that I can't hurt anyone .... y/n if your reading this I want you to know I care about you so much and I love you ... not like a friend , like I want to
be with you my entire life but it obvious that is not goona happen but still I love you .... Sean if your reading this I want you to protect y/n please .... I will be back soon I just don't know when but when I do....... I let you guys know ... I'm really sorry ...
sincerely , Mark
I walk back to Sean and I let him read the note and I began to cry and Sean looks up at me and opens his arms and I hug him and I let my tears stain his shirt . Sean rubs my back and then whispers in my ear "it's. gonna be okay y/n" I nod then I look up at him again and I start feel tears go down my cheeks again and I cry into his chest.
I HOPE YOU ENJOYED THIS CHAPTER AND ALSO A QUICK AUTHOR NOTE .... this will last chapter for now .... I'm taking a break but every now and then I'll update And I will take request .... also have a happy merry Christmas my lovelies see you in the next chapter bye bye !!!!!

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