Chapter 2

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Chapter 2 : Edited

Hola Perves! This is chapter 2, and Yeah.... Anywho, let's get to the story.

Jake Dawson's POV

When she walked in, she was breathless. Like she had been running. She had on black heels that made her look 5 inches taller than what she really was, which is 5'3. They had a medium size bow on the back of her heel. She has on a black pencil skirt, that stops a couple of inches above her knee. But, outlines her ass perfectly. So big and round. See me, I'm more of an ass and leg person than anything, I need something to grab and hold.

She has on a baby blue short sleve button up shirt, complimeted with a blue heart shape neckalace and earring set, that makes her eyes pop! Now, her face. Her full plump and pouty lips are just sitting there delecately waiting to be sucked on. Her deep blue eyes, almost green. Her brown/reddish hair glowing-Hold the Fuck up! I sound like a girl! Uh, Autumn Lance, is officially going to drive me crazy.

"Hello Mr.Dawson. May I ask where everyone is?" she said in a polite voice. God, her voice is like velvet. And, she says Mr.Dawson with so much care, with her head bowed. I can only picture her calling me 'Master'. But, the way her head is bowed an she's averting eye contact tell me something else.

"Yes, they are running 5 minutes late. But, we'll start shortly. In the mean time, I'll be right back." I had to leave the girl was driving me crazy.

I went to the bathroom to 'readjust' my pants and splash cold water on my face. When I came back, I heard the tail end of their conversation.

"Do I turn you on sweetheart?" George asked

"More than you know" She muttered under her breath, but he heard. I wish I was the one turnin her on.

"You will sit next to me in this meeting after it's over, we will have a discussion. By the way, NO cumming." he demanded and she bowed her head down.

Is he her Dom? Are they in a relationship? Did she sign a contract? I would have kept rambling if I hadn't have heard the people coming off of the elevator.

"Traffic." they all said "Backed up all the way on I-69"

"Alright, let's get this meeting started!" I said, trying to sound enthusiastic.

Autumn took a seat at the very front, but George cleared his throat catching mine and Autmun's attention. She looked at him and he motioned for her to sit, next to him. She walked over him with her head held low and her eyes on the ground she was about to sit down.

"Autumn, what are you doing? I need you up here." I said and she looked at George. What is going on here? She knows, she's to sit up here with me! Autumn wouldn't disobey my orders, would she?

"I need her back here, to help me. I might have her go run some things for me during the meeting. My secretary isn't here." George said.

She looked at me and I thought about it for a second and nodded my head. She isn't mine yet, but she will be. I saw her sit down, then I turned off the lights. I started the Powerpoint. The reason George is here, is because his Island is where I want to expand my hotels to, Fiji. It's located by Brazil. I want to expan my hotels there, because it is beautiful. I went there, because Rick Haul, a really close friend, invited me there for a birthday celebration weekend. I looked up and noticed she was unconciously biting her lip, which means she's nervous or turned on. She jotted down a couple of notes and I saw her squint her eyes lustfully.

Yeah, she's definately turned on. I decided now, would be a good time to interrupt, because I should be the only one to make her do that! She WILL be MINE! I should be able to make her moan and scream MY name, while dominating her. She WILL be MY SUB! Even if it's the last thing I do!

"Autumn! What do you think so far?" I asked her, an she gave me an annoyed look. She looked back and forth. From me, to George, to the Powerpoint.

"I think it's a good idea, c-c-considering there isn't any Hot-t-tels in that-t-t loc-c-c-ation." she stammered out.

I gave her a funny look. That was weird, she never stutters. I should be the one making her feel this! I've been waiting for almost 2 years now! I saw her bite her lip furiously and grip the table. Her knuckles almost white. I had to reach and readjust my pants, my little friend down there getting a little bit too excited. I turned back to the PowerPoint, but not before hearing a wonderful sound.

"Aaah." She let a soft moan escape her luscious lips. I felt my pants tighten again, I readjusted them before I turned to her, and so did everyone else. She looked at George and he had a huge smirk on his face. She looked terrified.

"Are you okay Autumn?" I asked her with a worried expression. She looked shocked and then her face turned to outrageous. She stood up and I gave her a questioning look. She KNEW not to interrupt any meetings or leave them. She will be punished, later.

"Yes, I don't feel too good. I think I had something bad for lunch, I'm sorry." She said before leaving. No the hell she didn't. I was fuming by the time she left. I hadn't even noticed that the PowerPoint had ended.

"Alright, that's what I thought of. What did you think of Mr.Hawkins?" I asked, he gave me a questioning look.

"I think it's a good idea. You may start building in a month from today. If you may excuse me, I have somewhere VERY important to be. I'll have my secretary contact yours, very soon. Thanks for having me." George stated

"No, thank you" I said greatfully.

He left in a hurry and I dissmissed the meeting. I said 'goodbye' and 'see yah later' to everyone and left for my office. At my office, I looked at Autumn's 'mini office' and saw she wasn't there. I kept, then remembered she had my budget list on her computer. I'm just going to go in and email it to myself, since she forget to do it earlier.

I went into her office and it smelled just like her, vanilla cinnamon apples. It smells so delicious. As I got closer to her chair, I noticed a little picture she had up. Pictures of what looks like her mom and brother. Awhhh. I moved the mouse and saw waited for the monitor to become awake. When the monitor was awake and up, what I saw shocked and aroused me.

That little vixen.

Autumn. Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. I think my little secretary WILL get punished. I don't mind it, but not at work. I'm not one to mix business with pleasure, but I will make an acception. I mean, it's bondage porn. Autumn is so naughty. I checked her browsing history out of curiosity and good lord!

Yep, she's a freak, with a lifetime Membership at the Maison de la Douleur et de Plaisir. I'll have to check that out, I've only been there once though. I really want her to be my Sub the things I would do to her. You know what, I need to wait a little longer, to see if she has any interests in me first.

Let's see, I'll come back to it after I get the document. I abbreveated the browser and went to Word. I got the document and emailed it to myself. I left Autumn a note, saying to come to my office, after she's done. We need to have a 'talk'. About 20 minutes later, she walked in.

"Yes Sir, did you need something?" she asked and I almost groaned out loud, from the way she called me 'Sir'. Good God, she is killing me.

"Have a seat. We need to have a long talk." she sat down, with her head held high. Almost like a lion stalking it's Prey. She kind of makes me want to bow my head down. Wait, what the HELL am I thinking?! I AM the Dom in this situation! "It's about your browsing history." she seemed to have tensed at that. She bowed her head. That's more like it.

"What about it Sir?" she asked, again with the 'Sir'! I had to literally unbuckled my pants, quietly. It was getting quite tight down there.

"I think we both know, what I'm talking about here. Normally, with things like this I would normally fire them. But, your the best secretary I've ever had, so I'll let this one go. But, there's a catch."


Hi, well what did you guys think? Some feedback would be much appreciated!

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-XOXO Domina

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