Section l: The Rise - Chapter 6 • Prophecy

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"A divine person is the prophecy of the mind; a friend is the hope of the heart." -Ralph Waldo Emerson

 4:14AM, March 24th, 2013

Boston, Massachusetts

It's funny how you can know someone for only a few hours, and still feel the tears build in your eyes to see them gone. This is not fair. Flora was only seventeen at most, and she had a lot more to live. I'm not the best at comforting people when they cry, but I can at least try. I leaned down next to Viona, and she immediately fell into my arms. Her tears stained my shirt as we laid in the dead quiet green house. 

Every plant was as dead as possible. It felt so barren in there, and maybe it was just the way the air brushed against me, but I really could feel the sorrow in the pit of my stomach. It's like little bugs trying to eat and rip your insides. Then I thought about how Viona must feel. I don't know how long she's lived here, or how long she's known Flora, but they still were practically sisters. If this keeps up, I'm going to have to tell her about my dreams. I'm not letting her lose another sister because I'm too disheartened. 

"Viona, there's something I need to tell you." I mumbled.

She looked up at me with watery eyes that just smoldered any ounce of pride or courage that I had left. With shaky hands, Viona wiped the tears from her bloodshot eyes. 

"What?" She asked while still recomposing herself.

"Right before I came here, I had a nightmare that I was being pulled to my death. Someone saved me, but died in the process. For some reason, when I woke up I only remembered one detail about her, and it was that she was wearing a locket. Viona, it... it was Flora's locket." 

A shocked expression swept across her face as she held a hand to her open mouth. Whether it was just a little blindsiding, or she was actually in awe, I didn't know. Was she pissed? I can't tell. Fucking hell, girls are so complicated. I'd give anything to know what was going through her head. 

"This isn't right." She muttered to herself. "This isn't how it's supposed to go."

She stood up, the tears still lingering in her glassy eyes, and began to pace. The wheels turned in her head as she tried to unravel some puzzle that I failed to even see. 

"What isn't right? I'm kind of new to this, so you're going to have to explain a little." I said as I stood up. 

Viona snapped back to reality and focused on me. She delicately placed one hand on my shoulder, and another clenched up by her chest. 

"I will explain, I promise, but for now we have bigger matters to attend to." She spoke as she glanced back to Flora's lifeless body.

I nodded and followed her inside as she quickly woke the rest of the house. They took a good ten to twenty minutes to get cleaned up, and then they all reconvened in the living room.

"Why the hell do you want us up this late?" Sage whined as she rubbed the back of her hungover head. 

"It's Colton, he came back, and he got Flora." 

The room suddenly became stiff. No one knew how to respond to the news of Flora's death, and some still couldn't even process it. Mars and September both brought themselves to the ground and slowly walked to another end of the house. They asked me to help in carrying Flora, which wasn't easy. Don't get me wrong, she's very light, but I've never had to carry a lifeless body before. 

There was an hour where it felt like I couldn't breathe and everything wasn't real. The sun just started to rise when Mars called for us. We walked down to the lake, which was in a dense morning fog. Luckily the sun still has yet to get over the horizon, but it's close. 

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