"Oh," he mouthed silently.

"Oh hey you two," Chloe said coming over to us. Thank goodness she didn't realized what was really going on.

The cashier came out with our pizza, "Alright I have a large cheese pizza here. That'll be $15.95." Frankie payed.

"Are you two planning on eating here," Chloe asked.

"Well we were actually gonna go to my house and watch a movie," Franke replied quick and nervously.

"Oh than I can come to?"

"I guess," I replied to Chloe.

"Great, just let me get my personal pizza," she said and when up to the cashier.

"What are you doing," Frankie whispered to me.

"We don't want her to know, now do we," I whispered back.

"Well yeah," Frankie said as Chloe walked back with a much smaller pizza box.

"Alright let's head out," Chloe said. We walked to Frankie's house. Once there we sat in the kitchen and ate. We decided not to watch a movie and instead just talked. Around ten Chloe proclaimed that she was tired.

"If you wanna leave you can," Frankie said.

"I don't wanna walk by myself, can you walk with me Faye," she asked.

"I was gonna work on some homework here with Frankie."

"It's Friday, can't you do it tomorrow."

"I have to submit it online and it's due by 12," I said quickly.

"I'll just wait until you finish then," she got up and left the kitchen.

"What now," Frankie asked me.

"I don't know," I replied. "Hey Chloe," I yelled into the living room. Frankie have me a worried look. "What if I walk you home and then just come back here." No one replied. We got up from the table and went into the living room.

"I'll carry her home," Frankie offered.

"Are you sure," I asked.

"Yeah, my parents are out of town for the weekend so you can just stay here." He walked over to the couch and picked Chloe up. I opened the front door for him and he kissed my head on the way out.

I took my time alone to check out some of Frankie's house that I haven't seen before. I started in the office. Frankie's dad was a layer and his mom was a dancer. It was weird to see an office that had a mirror and a ballet bar in it. On the desk I found an old family photo. Frankie was so cute when he was younger especially in this picture because he had on a suit.

I stumbled through the rest of the house that I haven't seen, which was most of the upstairs. I went into Frankie's room to do a little sneaking. Unlike most boys, it wasn't a mess. All his clothes were neatly placed in his closet and dirty ones were in a hamper. I sat on his bed and opened his night table. In there I found littler squared packets and realized I should go back downstairs immediately, like right this very second because that was something I did not need to see.

I watched TV until Frankie came back. He sat on the couch next to me and placed his arm around me.

"How'd it go," I asked him.

"Michelle was kinda surprised to see me, but she's home safe."

"Good," I told him snuggling in closer. Frankie turned on the movie we planned on watching. "That was a close call," I told him.

"Yeah, we need to talk," he said. I pulled away from him.

"About what," I asked looking at him.

"I don't want to hide things anymore," he said taking my hands. "It's stupid, and it's been going on for too long. What I'm saying is will you be my girlfriend?"

"My answer goes without saying," I said wrapping my arms around his neck and kissing him. After a few minutes we went back to watching the movie and I eventually fell asleep.

I woke up the next morning in his bed with him laying beside me. I noticed that he took the liberty of taking off my bra and leggings, leaving me in a t-shirt and undies. I turned over and took my phone from his bedside table. I texted Chloe asking if I could come over. I wanted to tell her immediately and Dustin too.
She replied with a big ole's yes. I looked at the time and saw it was noon so I knew Dustin was awake. I got out of bed and went to the bathroom to call him.

"Hello," he answered.

"I have to tell you something and it's kinda strange, but I feel like you should know.

"I don't give a fuck how strange it is, you know what actually, the stranger the better." I giggled slightly.

"Frankie and I are going out."

"Okay, that's not something that you just call a friend and say but good for you," he said very monotone.

"I just wanted to tell you because we've been keeping things quiet."

"Alright, I gotta go Faye," he hung up.

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