Chapter 15

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Bo's POV~

"You sure?" Josh asks in a concerned tone. "Yes," I respond trying to sound confident. "I mean we can turn around at anytime, just let me know," he says compassionately while grabbing my hand from my lap and giving it a squeeze. I turn to look out the window of Josh's truck to signal that the conversation was ended.

To be completely honest, I don't really know how to feel anymore. Josh asked if I wanted to just leave and I said yes. I guess it was kind of an impulse decision; I should have taken more time to think things through. I really do believe Josh is right though, maybe spending some time away from this mess is for the best. I mean, it's not running from your problems, it's taking a vacation from them. Not to mention that Josh and I get to spend some time together.

"What ya thinking bout'?" Josh questions with a full blown smirk. "Nothing much, you know God and I totally had a plan when we left, but now, only God knows," I respond with an exaggerated shoulder shrug. "Who needs plans, I'd kinda like to just drive and see where we end up," he says sobering the mood a bit.

We drive in silence except for the occasional foot tap of Josh. Not being able to tolerate the silence any longer I turn on the radio. Josh has the radio on a country station, not wanting to seem rude I don't change the station.

"So, you never told me you were a twin," he states trying to spark a conversation. I shrug my shoulders despite the fact he can't see me and explain," Well, you see my parents divorced and we both went our separate ways. We just stopped talking cause our parents thought it would be easier if we stayed away for awhile. In recent years when we were allowed to text and talk, but it was just awkward cause we didn't seem to know each other that well anymore." "I'm sorry, that must have been rough on you," he almost whispers with sympathy. "Yeah," I say politely and we fall into a comfortable silence.

I feel kind of bad for just leaving. I mean my parents are probably blaming themselves for everything that's happened. At least they know I'm safe, I'm sure Kenna's told them all about everything she knows. The funny part is that this whole ordeal started with her anger getting the best of her. She's seriously turned into a monster from the last time we've seen each other. I know eventually I'll have to go back and that the fault will be forever be blamed upon me. For some reason this doesn't scare me anymore, maybe flying under the radar for awhile is the best option. Hey, I can make ice with my very own hands so I'm not one to mess with.

All this thinking is starting to give me a headache. Ugh, what's wrong with me. I should be in the hospital or at the very least resting. I feel my pain turn into a light headed feeling and I focus on trying to stay steady. Josh notices my wobbliness and attempts slowing down and pulling over to the shoulder of the road.

"Hey, you okay? Bo, Kankara, you there?" he speaks loudly snapping his fingers. "Hmm," I mumble finally coming to. " I was worried, you were out cold, I thought you were seriously hurt," he speaks softly and concerned this time. "No, no, no, I'm fine. I got kind of dizzy I guess you could say. I'm good now," I respond with reinsurance. "You were out for awhile, longest time in my life for a fact," he says turning off the truck. "Whatever, let's go before we turn this into a chick flick," I say smiling at my smart remark. He rolls his eyes and leans forward to kiss me, I allow him to, kissing back.

As soon as we are done he starts the truck and says," No Kenna's going to be getting in my way this time!" I laugh nod in agreement. We drive making small talk and laughing for quite awhile. Even cracking inside jokes about our friends and telling embarrassing stories.

Eventually, against my better judgement, I tell Josh about my life story, my parents, Kenna, our secret, and everything in between. You know, it was quite nice talking to someone who just listened! He didn't even make that big of a deal about everything. He only asked a few questions which put me to relief.

He even told me about his life. Apparently, despite the fact his parents were rich they argued violently, threatened divorce, and left Josh alone a lot. It seems as though he left a lot out, but I assume he will become more open to me as time progresses. He also seems grateful for someone to just listen to him.

He yawns and tells me," I think I want to stop for tonight, we've been driving almost all day?" "That's fine, you want me to drive for awhile?" I question trying to be polite. " No, I'm hungry too and want to sleep in a real bed," he explains. "Oh, you mean a hotel," I respond unsure.

Soon we're parked in a parking lot of a relatively nice hotel. Josh bought our room while I got out and stretched my legs. As soon as we find our room we both flop splat on the king sized bed. "You know, under different circumstances I would find this very romantic," Josh said with a smirk. "Shut up, if I wasn't so exhausted I would slap you," I respond and halfway mumble. " The better question is, where would you slap me?" he quickly shoots back. "As of now, in the face," I tell him. "Whatever, I'm getting food, what do you want?" he asks. "I'm too tired to eat, but you can get me plain black coffee," I tell him. " You are one strange creature, but on that note I'm getting food!" he exclaims, walking out of the room.

As soon as the door closes I notice something fell out of his pocket. I lean closer to see what it is and shudder in disbelief as to what I see.

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